A Study of the Behavior of Alkyl Side Chains Phenols and Arenes in Polar and Nonpolar GC Stationary

来源 :美国分析化学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ywh831002
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Gas chromatographic measurements of the relative retention times of alkyl-substituted arenes and phenols on capillary columns at temperatures of 125 – 140°C have shown that logarithms of retention times increase bilinearly with the number of carbon a
一、企业信息化及其主要内容 企业信息化就是企业利用现代信息技术,通过对信息资源的深入开发和广泛应用,实现生产过程自动化、管理方式网络化、决策支持智能化和营
We prove that a Cayley digraph on the direct product of dihedral groups D2n × D2m with outdegree two is Hamiltonian if and only if it is connected.
The domination integrity of a connected graph G= (V(G), E(G)) is denoted as DI(G) and defined by DI(G) = min{*S*+ m(G-S) : S is a dominating set } where m(G-S)
This paper is devoted to the study of a translation plane π(C) associated with a t-spread set C and its transposed t-spread set C t. In this paper, an explicit
We investigate prime labeling for some graphs resulted by identifying any two vertices of some graphs. We also introduce the concept of strongly prime graph and