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1982年浙江省档案工作基本完成恢复,整顿工作以后,各级档案部门坚定不移地贯彻档案馆工作是档案事业主体、重点的思想,以改革、创新、开拓的精神,开创了全省档案馆工作新局面,促进和发展了全省档案事业。目前,一个以机关、团体、企业、事业单位档案工作为基础,以各级各类档案馆工作为主体,以档案教育、档案理论与技术研究、档案宣传、外事工作为条件,以档案事业管理机构为组织协调中心的浙江档案事业体系,已在全省范围内初步形成。一、全省档案馆网已基本形成,馆藏档案迅速增加,档案内容、结构、门类起了可喜的变化。党的十一届三中全会以来,省、市(地)、县三级档案馆由41个逐步恢复发展到82个,新建省级专业档案馆和城建档案馆7个。目前,省、市(地)、县全都建立了地方国家档案馆,全省档案馆网已基本形成。1986年底全省各级各类档案馆馆藏档案7236个全宗,2009768卷,排列上架25138米,比1982年的871410卷,增加2.3 After the archives work in Zhejiang Province was basically completed and rectified in 1982, the archives departments at all levels unswervingly implemented the work of archives as the main body and key points of the archives undertaking. With the spirit of reform, innovation and pioneering, the province’s archives Work in the new situation, promote and develop the province’s archives. At present, based on the archives work of organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions, and based on the work of all kinds of archives at all levels, with the conditions of archival education, archival theory and technical research, archives publicity and foreign affairs as the foundation, Institutions for the organization and coordination center of Zhejiang archives career system, has been initially formed within the province. First, the province’s archives network has been basically formed, the rapid growth of archives, archives content, structure, categories from the gratifying changes. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the archives at provincial, city (prefecture) and county levels have gradually recovered from 41 to 82, and seven provincial-level professional archives and urban construction archives have been newly established. At present, provincial, municipal (prefectural) and county all establish local national archives, and the province’s archives network has basically taken shape. At the end of 1986, 7236 Fonds and 2009768 volumes of all kinds of archives at all levels were arranged in the province, with 25,138 meters arranged on the shelves, an increase of 2.3% over the 871410 volumes in 1982
至1988年底,上海市档案馆,除闵行区外的11个区档案馆和9个县档案馆已向社会开放。 By the end of 1988, the Shanghai Archives, with the exception of Minhang District,
前一时期,我参加了档案著录制卡工作,遇到一些问题,现谈谈自已的感想。 (一) 档案著录要坚持“少而精”,防止“多而滥”。最近,读了一个市级档案馆著录制卡工作的介绍,其中