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9月22日,由中国书法家协会、中央国家机关书法家协会、中国战略文化促进会、中国质检书法家协会等9家单位主办、协办的《魏传忠书法展》在北京隆重开幕。中央政治局委员、中央政法委副书记王乐泉,全国人大常委会原副委员长姜春云发来贺信。中组部原部长张全景,国务院副秘书长毕井泉,交通部部长杨传堂,国资委主任王勇,海关总署署长于广州,国家质检总局局长支树平,交通部副部长、中国民航局局长李家祥,中科院院长白春礼等及国家机关部委、省、市、自治区领导、各界人士近400人出席开幕式。 On September 22, the “Wei Chuanzhong Calligraphy Exhibition” sponsored and co-sponsored by 9 Chinese Calligraphers Association, Central Association of State Calligraphers Association, China Strategic and Cultural Promotion Association, China Quality Calligraphers Association and other 9 units opened in Beijing. Member of the Central Political Bureau, Wang Lequan, deputy secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee, and Jiang Chunyun, former vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, sent a congratulatory letter. Zhang Quanjing, former minister of Central Organization Department, Bi Jingquan, deputy secretary general of the State Council, Yang Chuantang, minister of the Ministry of Communications, Wang Yong, director of SASAC, director of the General Administration of Customs in Guangzhou, Zhi Shuping, director of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Li Jiaxiang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bai Chunli, and other leaders of ministries, agencies, commissions, provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and nearly 400 people from all walks of life attended the opening ceremony.
  The performance of hydropower generating companies relies on the rainfall in the region.The frequent droughts in the last ten years in China witnessed the n
李杰:李杰生于1 980年,是回沪知青子女,16岁入厨,在虹叶酒店当学徒。后历任新锦江假日酒店、上服假日酒店、瑞裕宾馆、新世纪酒店、绍兴旺品时尚茶餐厅、齐民有机火锅冷菜主
2002年11月7日,微软公司宣布其开发的新一代个人电脑--“平板电脑”(Tablet PC)开始上市.不少厂商也几乎同时推出相应的产品,互相呼应,看来这个领域真的成长起来了,一下子,平
近日 ,思科系统公司在中国推出了其新开发的新一代长途波分复用 (DWDM)系统ONS15808 ,它通过一些新技术如拉曼放大器、梳状滤波器等的应用大幅度地提高了系统容量和传输距离 ,同时有效地
  Increasing demand of electricity and environmental concerns has put the pressure on countries to increase the focus on renewable energy.Governments support