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伴随着我国高职院校音乐教学体系的建立,课程标准在基本理念和课程目标等方面有了很大的创新,高职院校音乐专业的钢琴教学也获得了长足发展,这突出表现在钢琴教学设施改善和师资力量提高、教学方法不断改进、教学质量不断提高等方面。作为培养国家基础力量的高职高师院校,音乐钢琴课程改革必须把《新课程标准》作为主要理论依据,根据高职的教学特点,在课堂教学内容上突出高师音乐教育的基础性、专业性、师范性;在课堂教育功能上,突出高师音乐教育多元文化建设中转站的观点,真正做到专业教学内容与人才培养规格相一致。我国高职院校钢琴教学也存在诸多问题,因此,加强对高职院校钢琴教育的研究与改革,提高高职院校钢琴教学质量成为当前我国钢琴教育工作的一项新的重要任务。 With the establishment of the music teaching system in higher vocational colleges in our country, the curriculum standards have made great innovations in the basic concepts and curriculum objectives. The piano teaching in the music major of vocational colleges has also made great strides, Improve teaching facilities and improve teachers, teaching methods continue to improve, improve teaching quality and so on. As the basic unit of higher vocational education in our country, the reform of music piano curriculum must take “New Curriculum Standard” as the main theoretical basis. According to the teaching characteristics of higher vocational education, we should highlight the basic and professional , Normality; in the classroom education function, highlighting the viewpoints of multi-cultural construction of music education in normal colleges and universities, truly professional teaching content consistent with the specifications of personnel training. There are also many problems in piano teaching in higher vocational colleges in our country. Therefore, it is a new important task to strengthen the research and reform of piano education in higher vocational colleges and improve the quality of piano teaching in higher vocational colleges.
对不同程度和培养目标的学生采用多种教学模式,构建个别课、小组课、集体课等相结合的复合型钢琴教学模式,保障高师音乐专业培养目标的实现。 To different degrees and tra
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医疗保险制度改革,离不开医疗卫生体制和药品流通体制的同步改革。但现在的情况是,三改没有并举。今年“两会”期间,全国政协委员仗义执言,直击“三改”软肋-- The reform o