
来源 :短篇小说(原创版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyh682020
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小说《大地雄心》聚焦于19世纪末期爱尔兰农民和地主阶级的尖锐矛盾,以男女主人公追求梦想生活的移民过程作为叙事主线来结构故事、刻画人物、寓意人生和社会进步的哲理,从中透视出那个时代的曾经的美国梦是怎样成为现实的,读来很富有思想性和历史厚重感。在小说背景下的爱尔兰社会中,地主与佃农间的阶级矛盾是不可调和的,地主害死了佃农约瑟夫的父亲,约瑟夫潜入地主家要手刃仇人,却不期被地主女儿莎侬发现,还用草叉刺伤了他。莎侬是个善良的姑 The novel “Earth Ambition” focuses on the sharp contradiction between the Irish peasantry and the landlords in the late 19th century. It takes the immigration process in which the hero and the hero pursue the dream life as the narrative main line to structure the story, portrays the characters, the life and the social progress philosophy, How did the once-American-era dream of the times become a reality, and it was very thoughtful and history-heavy to read? In Irish society in the background of novels, the class contradictions between landlords and tenants are irreconcilable. The landlords killed the tenant peasant Joseph’s father. Joseph sneaked into the landlord’s hometown to find fault with him, but he was not discovered by the landlord daughter Shannon. Stabbed him with a pitchfork. Shannon is a good girl
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