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在湖北省教育厅、档案局的关怀下,我院根据有关文件精神,1981年筹建了科技档案室,对全院科技案档实行集中统一管理.两年来在院领导和科研处、资料馆的领导下,在全院广大教员、科技人员的支持下,在专兼职档案员的共同努力下,我院科技档案工作逐步走上正规,并取得了一点成绩.1982年、1983年在省教育厅、省档案局对武汉市高等院校科技档案工作检查验收中受到了好评.现把我们的工作分述于下:一、在对我院各有建档任务的单位进行了调查摸底的基础上,拟订了我院科技档案工作条例及有关规章制度.即: Under the care of Hubei Provincial Department of Education and Bureau of Archives, according to the spirit of the relevant documents, our hospital set up a scientific and technological archives in 1981 to implement centralized and unified management of scientific and technological archives of the hospital. In the past two years, the hospital leaders and scientific research offices, Under the leadership of the majority of faculty members in the hospital, with the support of science and technology personnel, part-time archivists with the joint efforts of our hospital science and technology files gradually onto the formal and achieved little success .1982, 1983 in the provincial Department of Education , The provincial archives of Wuhan City, institutions of higher learning scientific and technological archives inspection and acceptance has been praised. Now our work is divided below: First, in our hospital each have the task of establishing the file investigation based on the investigation , Drafted our hospital science and technology files work regulations and the relevant rules and regulations.
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