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本文探讨的音势结构,实际上是辅音的配置规律。蒙古语族语言的辅音,根据发音时气流的强弱程度分为三类:强辅音(如 p、t、k),中辅音(如 b、d、g),弱辅音(如 m、n、l)。在一个词里,第一音节首辅音和第二音节首辅音之间,在强弱的配置上有一定的规律。而这个规律在蒙古语族各语言和蒙古语各方言之间有所不同。这样就构成了各语言和方言之间音势对应规律。如甲语言的“强辅音-中辅音”(如:k-d)对应于乙语言的“中辅音-强辅音”(如:g-t)。音势结构是辅音间互相选择的规律。这个规律对蒙古语族语言和方言的划分,对语言历史的研究,提出了一个颇具创见的问题——编者。 The structure of the sound potential explored in this paper is actually the configuration of consonants. The consonants of the Mongolian language are classified into three categories according to the intensity of the airflow at the time of pronunciation: strong consonants (eg p, t, k), middle consonants (eg b, d, g), weak consonants ). In a word, the first syllable consonant and the second syllable consonant, there is a certain rule in the configuration of strength. This law is different between Mongolian languages ​​and Mongolian dialects. In this way, the corresponding laws of the sound potential between languages ​​and dialects are formed. For example, “strong consonant-middle consonant” (such as: k-d) in A language corresponds to “middle consonant-strong consonant” (eg, g-t) in B language. The structure of the sound potential is the law of mutual choice between consonants. This law of the Mongolian language and dialect division, the study of language history, put forward a rather creative problem - the editor.
要培养学生的高尚情操,良好的学习态度,健康的体魄,作为教育者,特别是班主任来说,必须把教育事业、热爱“祖国未来”的强烈情感倾注到自己的教育对象上。我从事教育事 To cu
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她从西藏踏上了漫长的回家之路。  不是春节,不是藏历新年,今天只是暑假里一个普通的日子。没有熙熙攘攘的民工,没有握着佛珠的信徒,只有数不清的大巴,接走又送来一车一车的游客。她无奈地看着游客,心想:只是去那些发达些的城市,只是听听导游的只言片语,怎能真正了解这里呢?  她是一名大学刚毕业就来西藏支教了一年的老师。原因嘛,就是仗着自己身体好,头脑一热就来了。而结果,亲近了自然,接触了童真,净化了灵魂。
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