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河北省青龙县木头凳镇兴隆台村霸王沟的侏罗纪地层产翼龙、蝾螈、鱼类、昆虫、叶肢介、双壳类及植物化石,是一个侏罗纪晚期的特异埋藏化石地点。研究者曾认为其相当于中侏罗统道虎沟化石层。经过我们对其中叶肢介的研究,发现霸王沟与这些脊椎动物临近层位的叶肢介与辽宁建昌玲珑塔化石层最常见的柴达木叶肢介(Qaidamestheria)属于一类,壳瓣上都具有较稀疏的微小刻点装饰,而与道虎沟化石层的“真叶肢介”却具有一定差异。霸王沟的叶肢介和脊椎动物组合面貌与玲珑塔化石层相似,属玲珑塔化石层,时代为晚侏罗世最早期,明显晚于道虎沟化石层。道虎沟化石层和玲珑塔化石层的生物组合代表了燕辽生物群早晚两个有明显差异又相互关联的群落。 Jurassic strata of the Xingangtai Valley, Xinglongtai Village, Muziteng Town, Qinglong County, Hebei Province, are the pterosaurs, salamanders, fishes, insects, leaf extremities, bivalves and plant fossils. location. Researchers have considered it to be equivalent to the Middle Jurassic Daohugou fossil layer. After our study on the middle limbs, we found that the most common Qaidamestheria in the fossils of the Bawang Gully and these vertebrates are the same type as the leaf extremities of the vertebrates and the extinct fossils of the Jianchang, Liaoning Province. Have a more sparse micro-carved decoration, and with the tiger fossil layer of the “true leaves” However, there are some differences. Overlord ditch and vertebrate mediated vertebrate combination with the appearance of the exquisite tower fossil layer, is a exquisite tower fossil layer, the earliest period of Late Jurassic, was later than the Daohugou fossil layer. The biological assemblage of the Daohugou fossil layer and the exquisite tower fossil layer represents two groups of Yanliao biota that are obviously different and interdependent.
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近年,小肾癌及偶发癌病例增加,且当发现这类病变时患者对侧肾多正常,于是人们对此类患者采取保留肾单位的肾癌手术(nephron-sparing surgery for renal cell carcinoma,NSS)