Declaration for the Promotion of Regional Collaboration for Youth Empowerment

来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumingxiaoziwoaini
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  We, the youth of Africa, government representatives, civil society organizations, development partners, regional economic community representatives and private sector representatives gathered at Chrismar Hotel, Livingstone Zambia from 2nd - 5th December 2013, to promote regional collaboration for youth empowerment,
  1.Acknowledge the different efforts and strides made by African heads of state and government in promoting youth development,
  2.Appreciate the different policies and institutional frameworks in place at the continental, regional and national level such as African Youth Charter, Pan African Youth Union,
  3.Note the socio-economic, political, environmental challenges faced by young people in Africa especially unemployment;
  4.Further note that young people constitute well over 50% of the population in many African countries,
  Hereby call upon the African heads of state and government to:
  Set up and support the establishment of One Stop Youth Centres (OSYCs) as hubs for youth development and empowerment
  Encourage each country to, where unavailable where existing establish and strengthen, a legislative framework for the functional National Youth Councils (NYCs) with clear mandate and roles which includes coordination of youth groups, organisations as well as youth institutions
  Ensure member states meaningful involvement of young people in the budgetary system of the country and management of funds allocated to youth
  Where unavailable, formulate, where existing, update and review youth policies taking into account lessons learnt and ensure meaningful participation of youth
  Consider the youth empowerment index to be a benchmark as a set of criteria to measure progress and commitment at country level towards specific indicators related to youth empowerment.
  We, call upon all regional bodies to:
  Encourage the establishment of OSYCs at the national level with clear coordination mechanisms of their operations and establish a platform for exchange at the regional level
  Put in place policy and institutional frameworks that provide for the establishment of functional youth commissions and Regional Youth Councils (RYCs) in all Regional Economic Communities (EAC, ECOWAS, SADC, ECCAS, AMU)
  Formulate regional policies that specifically deal with youth entrepreneurship and establishment of Regional Youth Development Banks
  Encourage the mainstreaming of youth issues in all protocol   Put in place a conducive legislative environment for private sector participation in youth empowerment initiatives
  Develop clear structure for youth involvement in national and regional deliberations and processes
  We, request all stakeholders including youth bodies, Civil Society Organizations, Development Partners and the Media to:
  Encourage the setting up of OSYCs and support them with necessary resources to address specific youth issues at the centres
  Enhance the capacity of regional youth networks to be effective in lobbying and advocating for youth empowerment in the regions
  Monitor and follow up on mechanisms set up by governments for youth programmes
  Take into consideration issues of access and equity in information and services provision for youth to ensure inclusion of special interest groups
  Partner with local universities and research institutions to support innovation as well as involve local communities, private sector and other stakeholders in OSYC programmes
  We believe that a society that acknowledges the potential of young people prospers, we call on all national governments, Regional Economic Communities and other stakeholders to join us in the search for deeper integration, participation and development in Africa.
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