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布依族没有全民信仰的宗教,多数地区信仰由本民族原始宗教发展而来的mo1,有的学者称之为摩教。摩教有自己的经籍——摩经,目前主要采用三种不同类型的文字作为载体,其中绝大多数为汉字和汉字变体,只有贵州省水城县金盆乡锁蒿寨流传一套用西方传教士创制的文字——波拉文来记录的摩教经文,当地人称“白摩书”。这种文字属拼音文字,音节包括声母和韵母两个部分,没有专门的符号表示声调,而是通过声母右侧韵母不同的标写位置表示不同的调值。“白摩书”文字有其自身的一些优点,如符号简单,记音准确性高等。但限于使用者的文化水平,书中错误较多。“白摩书”及其文字载体在布依族非物质文化的传承、布依语濒危方言土语语言材料的保存以及布依族与周边民族文化的接触、交流等方面都发挥了重要的作用。 Buyi people do not have full religion, religion in most areas from the original religion developed mo1, some scholars call it Mo religion. Mountaineer has its own classics - Mount, the main use of three different types of text as a carrier, most of them are Chinese characters and variants of the characters, only Guizhou province Shuicheng Jinpen Township Locksmith Village spread a set of Western missionary Created text - Bo Lavin to record the Mohammed scriptures, locals call “White Book ”. This text is pinyin text, syllables, consonants and vowels include two parts, there is no special symbol that tone, but by the initial consonants on the right vowels different marked position that different tone. “White Book ” text has its own advantages, such as simple symbols, high accuracy pronunciation. But limited to the user’s cultural level, the book more errors. “Bai Mo Shu ” and its text carrier have played an important role in the inheritance of the Buyi non-material culture, the preservation of the Bouyei dialect language language material and the contact and exchange between the Bouyei ethnic group and the surrounding ethnic culture.
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