
来源 :国外医学(放射医学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ilovegigi
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长期的辐射作用可引起造血CFU减少,其程度取决于累积剂量的大小。因受照动物的造血是靠CFU或其后代来维持的,所以弄清这些细胞成份恢复的特点是很重要的。本文是研究小鼠每天受分次照射后,骨髓中CFU恢复的动力学,同时将受照小鼠骨髓CFU和其后代以及外周血细胞成份的恢复进行比较。方法:BALB/C系雄性小鼠8~10周龄。γ线每天照射50伦,直到总剂量250、1000及2000伦。照后不同时间内源法测定骨髓中的CFU量,同时计数骨髓有核细胞总数,分析骨髓象,测定外周血有形成份的含量。大剂量照射的两个组用~3H-TdR“自杀”试验测定在有丝分裂周期中的CFU百分数。结果:照射总剂量250、1000及2000伦,小鼠股骨骨髓中CFU数急剧减少,分别相当于对照组值的 Long-term radiation can cause hematopoietic CFU reduction, the degree depends on the size of the cumulative dose. It is important to clarify the characteristics of the recovery of these cellular components, since the hematopoiesis of the irradiated animals is maintained by the CFU or its descendants. This article is to study the kinetics of CFU recovery in bone marrow of mice exposed to different doses daily, and to compare the recovery of CFU, its offspring, and peripheral blood cell components in irradiated mice. Methods: Male BALB / C mice aged 8-10 weeks. Gamma rays irradiate 50 lun per day until the total dose of 250, 1000 and 2000 lun. According to different time after the end of the source method for the determination of bone marrow CFU, while counting the total number of bone marrow nucleated cells, bone marrow analysis of the determination of the content of the visible content of peripheral blood. Two groups of high-dose irradiation measured the percentage of CFU in the mitotic cycle using the ~ 3H-TdR “suicide” test. Results: At the total doses of 250, 1000 and 2000, the number of CFU in the femur bone marrow of mice decreased sharply, corresponding to the values ​​of the control group
据北京林业大学园林学院讯在日前结束的2013年日本国际风景园林学生设计竞赛中,清华大学建筑学院、北京林业大学园林学院和日本千叶大学园艺学部学生共计13名组成A、 Accord
命题工作是高等教育自学考试中的核心环节,命题质量的高低,直接关系到自考的 Proposition work is the core of higher education self-study exam, proposition quality l