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加强练习是提高中学数学教学貭量的一个关键,与此有关的两个主要問題是练习題的选择和练习課的組織,本文将着重闡述关于练习題的选择的几点不成熟的体会和认識。练习是一种有目的的活动,是学生在教师指导下自觉地反复地应用所学知識从而巩固与加深对基础知識的理解,掌握并提高計算与解題的技能,同时,鍛炼了邏輯思維能力与空間想象能力。练习的加强不仅是练习的次数和练习的时間应該适当加多,而且应該更加注重练习的貭量讲求练习的效果。如果只是注意增加练习的时間和练习的次数,而不注意或者很少注意练习的效果和貭量,显然是不妥善的。那末如何提高练习的貭量保証练习的效果呢?练习題的选择得当与否就起着直接而重要的作用。所以在組織练习編选练习題时既要全面考虑又要合理安排。如果只停留在讲一节課练习两道題布置几道作业題;或者仅按照教材中的习題的順序取其单数或者双数題;更或不加分析也不考虑教材的要求和学生的实际主观地找几个較难的联习題留給学生。出現以上各种情况都足以說明教师选題的目的性是不够明确的。 綜习題的选择,所涉及的問題是比較复杂的:教学的要求,练习的目的,学生的年龄特征,学生的知識实际水平,学生的兴趣和爱好,还有练习的时間等等。所以练习題的选择是一項很重要很細致的工作,絕不宜等閑視之。 Strengthening exercises is a key to improving mathematics teaching in middle schools. The two main issues related to this are the selection of practice questions and the organization of practice classes. This article will focus on explaining a few immature experiences and recognitions about the choice of practice questions. knowledge. Exercise is a purposeful activity. Students are consciously and repeatedly applying what they have learned under the guidance of a teacher to consolidate and deepen their understanding of basic knowledge, master and improve the skills of calculation and problem solving, and at the same time, exercise logical thinking ability. With space imagination ability. The practice of strengthening is not only the number of exercises and the time of practice should be properly increased, but also should pay more attention to the practice of the amount of emphasis on the effect of practice. If you just pay attention to increasing the time and number of exercises, without attention or seldom pay attention to the effect and amount of practice, it is obviously not proper. Then how to improve the practice of the practice of quantifying the effect of practice? The proper choice of exercise questions plays a direct and important role. Therefore, when organizing practice exercises, it is necessary to fully consider and make reasonable arrangements. If you only stay in one lecture and practice two questions to arrange several questions, or just follow the order of the exercises in the textbook, you may choose to use the same or a double number; more or no analysis does not consider the requirements of the materials and students Actually subjectively finding a few difficult joint questions for students. All of the above situations are sufficient to explain that the purpose of the teacher’s choice of topic is not clear enough. The problems involved in the selection of comprehensive exercises are more complex: the requirements of the teaching, the purpose of the exercises, the age characteristics of the students, the actual level of the students’ knowledge, the interests and hobbies of the students, and the time of the exercises. Therefore, the choice of practice questions is a very important and meticulous task, and it should not be taken for granted.
在几何证明题中,有一类题目是求证某些几何量之间具有定长、定比、定值、定角或者定方向等等的问题,这类问题统称几何定值问题。 [例1] 已知菱形ABCD外切于⊙O,MN是与AD、CD
应用几何法探索工程问题的解法所依据的关系式是: (1) 工作量=工效×时间; (2) 工效=工作量/时间; (3) 时间=工作量/工效。如图1,在矩形ABCD中,把相邻的两边AB、BC分别表示
“的、地、得、所”,在现代 汉语里都是结构助同。其中“所”字是一个文言词,它跟其它的结构助词不同。“的、地、得”一般用在词、词组或句子的后面,“所”字则用在动词的
复习二项式定理时,要注意把握以下几点: 一、能熟练地写出二项展开式,并正确理解用数学归纳法证明定理的方法. 二、根据展开式 When reviewing the binomial theorem, we m
(一)对自学丛书《平面解析几何》中的质面多边形重心公式的看法 上海人民出版社一九七八年再版的《平面解析几何》第56、57面有如下一段: 对于四边形的重心、假使它的四个顶