Affecting Factors and Improving Measures for Converter Gas Recovery

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greattomliu
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To change the undesirable present situation of recovering and using converter gas in steel plants in China, the basic approaches to improving the converter gas recovery rate were analyzed theoretically along with the change curves of the converter gas component content, based on the converter gas recovery system of Baosteel No.2 steelmaking plant. The effects of converter device, raw material, air imbibed quantity, recovery restricted condition, and intensity of oxygen blowing on the converter gas recovery rate were studied. Among these, the effects of the air imbibed quantity, recovery restricted condition, and intensity of oxygen blowing are remarkable. Comprehensive measures were put forward for improving the converter gas recovery from the point of devices, etc., and good results were achieved. To change the undesirable situation of recovering and using converter gas in steel plants in China, the basic approaches to improving the converter gas recovery rate were analyzed theoretically along with the change curves of the converter gas component content, based on the converter gas recovery system of Baosteel No.2 steelmaking plant. The effects of converter device, raw material, air imbibed quantity, recovery of restricted condition, and intensity of oxygen blowing on the converter gas recovery rate were studied. Among these, the effects of the air imbibed quantity, recovery restricted condition, and intensity of oxygen blowing are remarkable. Comprehensive measures were put forward for improving the converter gas recovery from the point of devices, etc., and good results were achieved.
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