Quantum information transmission in the quantum wireless multihop network based on Werner state

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangzi_li
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Many previous studies about teleportation are based on pure state. Study of quantum channel as mixed state is more realistic but complicated as pure states degenerate into mixed states by interaction with environment, and the Werner state plays an important role in the study of the mixed state. In this paper, the quantum wireless multihop network is proposed and the information is transmitted hop by hop through teleportation. We deduce a specific expression of the recovered state not only after one-hop teleportation but also across multiple intermediate nodes based on Werner state in a quantum wireless multihop network. We also obtain the fidelity of multihop teleportation. Many previous studies about teleportation based on pure state. Study of quantum channel as mixed state is more realistic but complicated as pure states degenerate into mixed states by interaction with environment, and the Werner state plays an important role in the study of the mixed state . In this paper, the quantum wireless multihop network is proposed and the information is transmitted by hop through teleportation. We deduce a specific expression of the recovered state not only after one-hop teleportation but also across multiple intermediate nodes based on Werner state in a quantum wireless multihop network. We also obtain the fidelity of multihop teleportation.
本系统利用电磁线圈通过正交低频电流产生相应的交变磁场 ,不与铝熔液接触而靠电磁力进行搅拌。低频电源用可控硅实现 ,并且用西门子 LOGO!进行控制。 The system uses the
国家广播电影电视总局文件广发〔2011〕13号 各省、自治区、直辖市广播影视局,新疆生产建设兵团广播电视局,海峡之声广播电台,中央三台、无线局、监测中心、安全播出调度中
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