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最近,中华人民共和国卫生部发布了《稻田皮炎防治工作暂行办法(草案)》。卫生部在发布此草案时,曾向各省、市、自治区卫生厅、局发出通知,要求各地卫生部门必须加强领导稻田皮炎的防治工作。在血吸虫病流行地区,尾蚴皮炎的防治工作,应同血吸虫病防治工作紧密结合起来。在此草案试行过程中,卫生部门应同农业等有关部门密切配合,紧密地结合农业生产,依靠群众,从实际出发,因地制宜采取防护措施,并加强调查研究,不断总结经验。积极防治稻田皮炎,是保护农业劳动力,促进粮食增产的一项重要工作。各地医务工作者,应参照这个暂行办法,结合本地的具体情况,认真做好稻田皮炎的防治工作。 Recently, the Ministry of Public Health of the People’s Republic of China released the Interim Measures for the Prevention and Control of Rice Field Dermatitis (Draft). At the time of publication of this draft, the Ministry of Health issued a circular to the health departments and bureaus of various provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions requiring the health departments at all levels to step up prevention and control of leading dermatitis in rice fields. In the endemic areas of schistosomiasis, cercariae dermatitis prevention and control work should be closely linked with the prevention and treatment of schistosomiasis. During the trial implementation of this draft, the health department should work closely with relevant departments such as agriculture to closely integrate agricultural production and rely on the masses to proceed from reality and take protective measures in light of local conditions and strengthen investigation and study to constantly sum up experiences. Active prevention and control of rice dermatitis is an important task of protecting the agricultural labor force and boosting grain output. Medical workers all over the country should make reference to this interim measure and conscientiously do a good job in the prevention and treatment of paddy dermatitis according to the local specific conditions.
目的 分析阴道分泌物支原体固体培养基和液体培养基培养结果差异及其原因,为临床医生科学解读阴道分泌物支原体通过不同方法培养后的结果提供试验依据.方法 收集该院妇产科送