深化行政审批制度改革 加快政府职能转变——苏州高新区行政审批制度改革的实践和思考

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党的十八提出:“深化行政审批制度改革,继续简政放权,推动政府职能向创造良好发展环境、提供优质公共服务、维护社会公平正义的转变,激发市场活力和社会创造力。”深化行政审批制度改革是推动行政体制改革、转变政府职能、简政放权的重要抓手和突破口。近年来,苏州高新区按照中央和省市关于行政审批制度改革的部署,加强统筹规划,坚持协调推进,行政审批制度改革工作取得了一定的成效。 The 18th Party Congress proposed: “Deepening the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, continuing to decentralize power, promoting the transformation of government functions toward creating a favorable environment for development, providing quality public services, and maintaining social fairness and justice, and stimulating market vitality and social creativity.” " Deepening the reform of the administrative examination and approval system is an important starting point and a breakthrough point in promoting the reform of the administrative system, transforming the functions of the government, and simplifying power and decentralization. In recent years, in accordance with the arrangements made by the central, provincial and municipal authorities for the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, Suzhou High-tech Zone has made overall planning more comprehensively and insisted on coordinated promotion. The reform of the administrative examination and approval system has achieved some success.
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