
来源 :中华武术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangwj03
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我从事武术工作和研究几十年了,在探讨传统武术及影视武侠小说中的武功问题时发现,正是在现代阶段,影视和武侠小说的武学真正开始光大,它代表了“新派武术”的繁荣,把纸上武学与花拳绣腿演绎到登峰造极程度的基础上,众多武功唤起的是我对人体的想像力,并通过武功进而对人体极限进行探讨,它同时又使我产生很多疑问,人能跑多快?能跳多高?能举多重?这种对人体极限的探讨,跟中国传统的武术有哪些不一样的地方?我们从来没有说轻功可以脱离地球对人的吸引力,到现在我们也还不能够从物理上理解这个轻功。武术也讲练轻功,比如说腿上绑上沙袋子练习跑,不过只是可以把跑练得很轻快而已。我们看影视武侠小说中,轻功好的人可以一跳数丈之高,不仅让人慨叹我们没有见到这样人,有这样的人干嘛不去参加奥运会呢?现实中没有这样的人,可是这种轻功到了现代武侠小说家那里,就开始大规模地涌现。那么,这到底反映了什么样的文化现象和历史渊源?这么一想,这么一问,我便对“武”字进行了较深层次的探究。 I have been engaged in martial arts work and research for several decades. When I explore the martial arts in the traditional martial arts and film martial arts novels, I found that it was in the modern stage that the martial arts of film and television and martial arts really started to take shape. It represented the “new school of martial arts” Of the prosperity of the martial arts and embroidery on paper on the basis of the highest degree of ascension, many martial arts evoked my imagination of the human body, and then through the martial arts and thus to explore the limits of the human body, it also made me have a lot of questions, people can How fast can we jump, how many can we jump, how many can we jump? This discussion of the limits of the human body is different from that of Chinese traditional martial arts. We never said that it can be divorced from Earth’s attractiveness to human beings. Now we Also not yet able to understand this dodge physically. Martial arts also teach light Gong, for example, tied to the practice of running sand bags on the legs, but can only run very briskly. We see film martial arts fiction, light Gong good people can jump a few feet high, not only people lament that we did not see such people, why do not such people go to the Olympics? There is no such person in reality, but This dodge to the modern martial arts novelist there, began to emerge on a large scale. So, what kind of cultural phenomenon and historical origin did this reflect? After thinking so, I conducted a deeper exploration of the word “武”.
本文认为习语有三种译法 :直译、套译、意译。在进行不同文化习语对译时 ,要从两个不同文化背景的习语中找出其主要共同点 ,如运用得当 ,就能使翻译变得更直接、精炼、生动、
北京第29届奥运会在大破世界纪录方面前无古人。博尔特在代表人类最快最经典的100米跑中创造迄今以来的最好成绩—9秒69。决定人类速度的要素是什么,人类最快能达到多快? Th
《说文解字》释“蜀”:“葵中蚕也。从虫。上目象蜀头形。中象其身蜎蜎。诗曰:蜎蜎者蜀。”段玉裁注云:“葵,《尔雅》释文引作桑。诗曰:‘蜎蜎者蠋,蒸在桑野。’似作桑为长。毛传曰:‘蜎蜎,蠋貌。蠋,桑虫也。’传言虫许言蚕者,蜀似蚕也。《淮南子》曰:‘蚕与蜀相类而爱憎异也。’桑中蚕即蝤蛴。”  从《说文》及段注不难看出,“蜀”与桑有着密切联系,但其是否为蚕还存争议。《尔雅》释文引《说文解字》作“桑中蚕”。