“石佛”不愧为常规赛的MVP,“OK”组合两大天王费尽九牛二虎之力都奈何不了他,三度卫冕冠军不得不吞下被淘汰出局的苦果。 5月16日上年,洛杉矶湖人队的卫冕之路终于走到尽头,他们主场82-110惨败给圣安东尼奥马刺,从而以总比分2-4被淘汰,马刺如愿晋级西部决赛。 本场比赛,堪称是“石佛”邓肯一人的演出,他25投16中,罚球7罚5中拿下全场最高分37分,并抢下16个篮板球。帕克也有上佳表现,他全场贡献了27分。 湖人的“OK”组合相比邓肯则暗淡了许多,奥尼尔砍下两双得31分,枪10个篮板球,科比19投9中,包括三分球投5投2中,只得到可怜的20分。
“Stone Buddha” deserves to be the MVP of the regular season, “OK” combination of two kings to expend all in noir can not do without him, the third defending champion had to swallow the bitter fruit was eliminated. May 16 last year, the Los Angeles Lakers defending the road finally come to an end, they defeated home to the San Antonio Spurs 82-110, which is to total 2-4 was eliminated, the Spurs wish to qualify for the Western Conference finals. The game, called “Stone Buddha” Duncan one of his performances, he made 25 of 25 shots, free throws and 7 penalty 5 scored a game-high 37 points and grabbed 16 rebounds. Parker also has a good performance, his audience contributed 27 points. The Lakers’ “OK” combination dims a lot compared to Duncan, O’Neal scored 31 points and two rebounds, 10 rebounds, Bryant 19 shots, including 3-pointers voted 2 2, only to get poor 20 Minute.