Since 1979, our factory has introduced the technology of die forging presses from West German Oxfam. Over the past two years, he has received a batch of drawings and technical data, dispatched several batches of interns, and at the end of last year completed the trial production of KS900 bar stock shears, and the trial production of the MP4000 die forging press has recently come to an end. Although we have achieved certain achievements in our work, we still have a lot of work to do in the technical work and management of enterprises and in the industrial management of the country. We must not think that we can buy blueprints and materials, imitate products in general, and you’re done! The factory will therefore be able to raise technology and production levels in an all-round way, and the country will truly benefit. According to more than two years of work experience, the following views on management and technical work are presented.