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报载,南京新百公司、中央商场等30家大中型商场免费提供印有提倡精神文明内容的“文明伞”,用后再就近归还30家商场中的任何一家,方便了雨天外出没有带雨伞的群众,深受广大顾客的欢迎。在社会服务部门盛行承诺制的今天,笔者不禁为南京商家的这一服务新招叫好。这一新招首先好在能超越本职抓服务。社会服务承诺制实行一个时期以来,绝大多数“承诺”部门和单位根据本职工作范围内的各项服务内容苦练内功、狠抓落实。在顾客享受到应有的优质服务的同时,承诺单位也赢得了客户的理解和支持。对这种顾客已经支付报酬的“份内”行为承诺,顾客欣然接受应是理所当然的。但南京商家却另辟蹊径,乐为顾客提供 Newspaper published, Nanjing New 100 companies, shopping malls and other 30 large and medium-sized shopping centers free of charge to promote the content of civilization to promote the “civilized umbrella”, and then return to any one of the nearest 30 shopping malls to facilitate the rain out without an umbrella Of the masses, welcomed by the majority of customers. Today, in the prevalent promises of social services, I can not help but applaud this service for Nanjing businesses. This new tactic is better than the first catch service. Since the implementation of social service commitment system for a period of time, the vast majority of “commitment” departments and units have worked hard in accordance with the various service contents within the scope of their own work and implemented it. In the customer to enjoy the proper quality of service at the same time, promised units have also won the customer’s understanding and support. It is a matter of course for customers to accept this “in-play” commitment to such customers that they have paid. However, Nanjing is another way of business, music to provide customers
尹鸿  现任清华大学新闻与传播学院常务副院长、影视传播研究中心主任,博士研究生导师。兼任中国电影家协会理事及理论评论委员会主任,北京电影家协会副主席,中国广播电视协会特邀理事,中国电视艺术家协会高校委员会副主任,中国传媒经济与管理学会副会长。兼任多所名校教授、客座研究员,多家电视媒体顾问。兼任北京市人民政府顾问、中国高校影视学会常务理事、中国电影评论学会理事。担纲数百部、集影视节目策划。  品牌传
据中国科技信息研究所 2 0 0 0年 11月出版的《1999年度中国科技期刊引证报告》中公布的信息表明 ,《石油与天然气地质》在 1999年继续入选为该所当年的 1372种统计源期刊。
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