我1959年考入北京大学西语系时, 资深老师不分性别都被尊称为先生。李赋宁教授是我国西方语言文学大师和教育家,也是我的欧洲文学史先生。去年听到先生逝世的消息,我怅然若失。一年来,仍常想起先生的音容笑貌和谆谆教诲。入北大之初,常听人说李先生人品好,课讲得好。我第一次见到他不是在课堂上,而是在图书馆。在北大,图书馆是最好的课外学习场所。记得当时图书馆馆长是梁思庄先
When I was admitted to the Department of Western Languages of Peking University in 1959, senior teachers were revered as sir, regardless of gender. Professor Li Fu-ning is a master and educator of western language and literature in China and is also my history of European literary history. When I heard the news of my husband’s death last year, I felt disappointed. In the past year, I still often think of my gentleman’s voice and education. Into the beginning of Peking University, often hear people say Mr. Li good character, class speaks well. The first time I saw him that he was not in the classroom, but in the library. At Peking University, the library is the best place for extra-curricular learning. I remember when the director of the library was Liang Si Zhuang first