兴趣盎然 乐于表达──小学作文课堂教学改革集锦

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[编者的话] 小学语文教学,一定要注重学生的发展,为他们将来学习、生活和工作打下良好的基础。因此,我们必须改革教学方法,让课堂成为孩子们健康成长的天地。在小学语文教学中,眼下存在一些弊端,其中作文教学犹为明显:学生学得枯燥烦闷,学得苦,而往往收不到预期成效。其实,语文特别是作文,毫无疑问应该是孩子自身生活的一个重要组成部分。生活即作文,作文就是表达生活。我们改革作文教学,最起码的应该把课堂还给生活,还给学生。让孩子们在生活中学写作文,在生活般的习作课堂上兴趣盎然,自由表达。 要真正激发兴趣,首先须创造让孩子们快活的课堂习作氛围,让学生在愉快的心境中产生表达的欲望。其次,必须让孩子有话可说,有法可学。因此,我们要设计出无数让孩子们不吐不快的习作课。 这里,我们从来稿中选编出五篇作文课堂教学的稿件。这些教学设计,都比较紧密地结合学生的生活实际,注重兴趣,注重有话可说的条件创造。同时,这些教学设计也并没有完全脱离教材,比如《吹鸡毛》,本身是小语第六册的一次训练,《即兴作文指导》亦是小语第八册的一次训练。 在选编这组稿件时,我们的指导思想是“形式多而活”。因而更偏重形式,内容方面不可完全顾及,因此必然有些疏漏。所以,我? [Editor's Note] Primary language teaching, we must pay attention to the development of students, lay a good foundation for their future study, life and work. Therefore, we must reform the teaching methods and make the classroom a healthy development of children. In primary school Chinese teaching, there are some shortcomings at present, of which composition teaching is still obvious: students are boring and boring, learning hard and often fail to receive the expected results. In fact, the Chinese language, especially the composition, should undoubtedly be an important part of a child's own life. Life is composition, composition is to express life. We reform composition teaching, at least the class should be returned to life, returned to students. Let children learn to write essays in their daily lives, and they are full of interest and free expression in life-like preparation classes. To really stimulate interest, we must first create a classroom atmosphere for the children to be happy, so that students in a happy mood to produce the desire to express. Second, we must let the children have something to say, there is law to learn. Therefore, we have to design innumerable eagerly lessons for our children. Here, we have compiled five articles of essay class teaching from contributions. These teaching design, are more closely combined with the students' actual life, focus on interest, pay attention to have the words to create conditions. At the same time, these teaching designs are not completely separated from the teaching materials. For example, “blowing feathers” is itself a training of the sixth volume of the small language. The “improvisational writing guide” is also a training of the eighth volume of the small language. In selecting this set of manuscripts, our guiding principle is “form and live more.” Therefore, more emphasis on the form, the content can not be fully taken into account, it is bound to be some omissions. So I?
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前不久我们制作了一种改进的短前沿探头,这种探头主要用于管道对接焊缝探伤,实践证明效果较好。 1 结构 这种改进的短前沿探头的透声楔近似为三角形,两端适当延伸,一端用以
教学是由教师的教与学生的学所构成的双向活动 ,这是教学得以正常展开活动的最基本的条件。因此 ,教学方法的选择就包括教法和学法两个方法 ,即教师在明确教学目标 ,了解教学
《基础教育课程改革纲要 (试行 )》中明确指出 :倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手 ,培养学生获取新知识的能力。这告诉了我们参与探究和主动发展是学生创新意识的源泉 ,