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小磨香油是城乡人民喜欢的调味佳品,在我国已有上千年的历史。现在重点介绍小磨香油的传统工艺流程。 1.原料清选:先用筛子清除与芝麻大小不同的杂质,再用水进行漂洗,用笊篱捞出漂浮上面的杂物,然后除去沉底的泥砂。将洗后的芝麻堆起来闷1小时,使其“吃透”水分,防止在炒籽时发生内外不均、里生外糊的现象。 2.炒籽:炒籽要掌握火候,开始宜急火。当芝麻达到七成熟时,降低火势,加快搅动,放出潮气和烟气。经过30分钟左右,芝麻温度达200℃,呈红色或黄褐色为炒好。为了降低锅温,避免芝麻焦糊,可以在锅里加入芝麻重量的8~10%热水,散烟后出锅。 3.吹净:炒后的芝麻虽然已加水降温,但出锅后仍有140~150℃,若不及时冷却,仍会焦糊,因此,要用簸箕或吹风的方法使其迅速降温,同时除去炒糊的碎末。 4.磨料:磨料是将炒酥吹净的芝麻,趁热放在石磨中磨碎。若磨得太粗,不仅出油少,而且油渣不易与油分 Small mill sesame oil is like the flavors of urban and rural share of people in our country has been thousands of years of history. Now focuses on the traditional process of small sesame oil. 1. Raw material cleaning: The first sieve to remove impurities with different sizes and sesame seeds, and then rinsed with water, with a fence to remove debris floating above, and then remove the bottom sediment. The washed sesame pile up boring 1 hour, so that “thoroughly” moisture, prevent the occurrence of uneven inside and outside in the fried seed, the raw paste phenomenon. 2 fried seeds: fried seeds to master the heat, began to urgently fire. When sesame reaches seven mature, reduce the fire, speed up the agitation, release moisture and flue gas. After about 30 minutes, sesame temperature up to 200 ℃, red or yellow brown fried good. In order to reduce the pan temperature, avoid sesame scorching, you can add sesame seeds in the pot of 8 to 10% by weight of hot water, smoke after the pan. 3. Purge: After the sesame fried water has been added to cool, but after the pan is still 140 ~ 150 ℃, if not cooled in time, will still be burnt, so use the dustpan or hair to cool it quickly, at the same time Remove the fried paste of the broken end. 4. Abrasive: Abrasive is fried crisp net sesame seeds, while on the ground on the stone grinding. If the mill is too thick, not only less oil, and oil residue is not easy and oil
自远古时代起,琥珀就被人们视为珍宝。古代希腊人称之为“北部的黄金”。古罗马尼禄时代,琥珀装饰品风行全国。 琥珀还是名贵的中药。李时珍《本草纲目》记载:琥珀气味甘平,
名、字名羽,字鸿渐。(见《新唐书·陆羽》) 又名疾,字季疵。(见《新唐书·陆羽》)号竟陵子(自称。因出生于竟陵。见《广信府志·杂记》。) 桑芋翁(自称。隐居湖州苕溪时。见
。迥霉牛吨《删逝状冬轷牛。燃豫卜恨。辽斟象确妲謇餐L口幽郴荽栖帚爿搂。[I一输越嗽1998年4月全国畜产品及饲料集市价格$农业部畜牧兽医司政研信息处 . Mastic cow tons "