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引言 80年代,高技术中心的发展成为新兴工业化国家以及多数发达国家区域经济发展战略的突出环节。随着发明和技术型公司的集中,技术中心(也称技术园、科学园或研究园)常被视为区域经济发展的温床或催化剂。美国的116座研究园中有90座是上10年间建成的。英国1987年有33座科学园。而日本80年代已经和正在兴建的科学城约有20座。其它发达国家如法国、原西德、澳大利亚等,80年代也都热心于发展技术中心。新兴的工业化国家也对发展高技术中心发生了兴趣。韩国更是如此,80年代末期以来,许多省政府已热衷于扶植高技术中心的成长。 Introduction In the 1980s, the development of high-tech centers became a prominent part of the strategy for regional economic development in newly industrialized countries and most developed countries. With the concentration of inventions and technology companies, technology centers (also known as technology parks, science parks, or research parks) are often regarded as hotbeds or catalysts for regional economic development. 90 of the 116 research parks in the United States were completed in the last 10 years. In 1987, Britain had 33 science parks. In the 1980s, Japan had about 20 science cities under construction. Other developed countries such as France, the former West Germany, Australia, etc., 80 years are also enthusiastic about the development of technology centers. Emerging industrialized countries also have an interest in developing high-tech centers. This is even more so in South Korea, where many provincial governments have been keen to nurture the growth of high-tech centers since the late 1980s.
2004年底,为期两年的俄罗斯空军新款轻型军用运输机的招标工作揭开了谜底。苏霍伊设计局的苏-80TD、图波列夫设计局的图-136T、米亚西舍夫设计局的 M-60LVTS、米高扬设计局
AIM:To prepare and purify TAT-HBV targeted ribonucleasefusion protein,evaluate its transduction activity andinvestigate its effect on HBV replication in 2.2.15
AIM:To determine the pathogenicity of GB virus C (GBV-C)on liver and the effects of its co-infection on the clinicalfeatures and prognosis of patients with hep
F-16是比利时空军的主力战机。这架执行制空任务的F-16A MLU战斗机挂载了两枚A IM-120A AMRAAM远程空对空导弹(外)和两枚 F-16 is the main force of the Belgian Air Force
AIM:To explore the inhibition of β-L-D4A on hepatitis B virus(HBV) in 2.2.15 cells derived from HepG2 cells transfectedwith HBV genome.METHODS:2.2.15 cells we
近年来我们应用伊曲康唑 (斯皮仁诺 )胶囊与外用克霉唑软膏治疗念珠菌性龟头炎 ,取得良好效果 ,现报告如下 :1 资料与方法 1 1 临床资料  35例均为皮肤性病门诊男性患者
特邀编委 (按姓氏笔画 )王 平文德镛朱春林吴清明陈卫昌吴德全周建农宣伟明钟浩明徐子鹏贾柳萍黄颖秋陈其奎协办单位 (排名不分先后 )杭州市第一人民医院浙江大冢制药上海总
AIM:To investigate the clinical and virological course ofcoinfection by hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus(HCV) in China.METHODS:We enrolled 40 pati