
来源 :现代职业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suanqing
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随着我国经济的发展,轿车已进入寻常百姓家庭,社会对汽车维修人员的需求也日益增多,特别是对高素质的技能型汽车维修人员的需求更加迫切。我通过几年的教学实践,体会到在传授汽车专业知识的过程中应注重“作用”“结构原理”“检测和诊断”这几个环节。在教学过程中应将各个环节串成一线,使其成为一个认知整体。一、强调作用,让作用贯彻整节课堂教学中当我们在讲解一个汽车零件或者某项技术时,我们首先要重点阐述的是——作用。把握好“作用”的教学有利于其 With the development of economy in our country, cars have entered the homes of ordinary people. There is an increasing demand for car maintenance personnel in society, especially the demand for high-quality skilled car maintenance personnel. Through several years of teaching practice, I realized that in the process of teaching automotive professional knowledge, we should pay attention to these aspects of “function”, “structural principle”, “detection and diagnosis”. In the process of teaching, all links should be strung together to make it a cognitive whole. First, the role of stress, so that the role of implementing the entire section of classroom teaching When we explain a car parts or a technology, we first have to focus on the - role. Good grasp of the “role of” teaching is conducive to it
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基础设施建设需求强劲记者:请您介绍非洲大陆基础设施总体发展规划。在这个大的发展规划框架下,刚果(布)在基础设施建设方面有哪些计划?Jean Jacques Bouya:目前,非洲大陆已