Forty Years On:Adaptive Chinese Diplomacy

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  With the introduction of reform and opening-up in 1978, China began domestic reform and integration into the world. Over the last 40 years, China has gradually integrated into the global system, participating in globalization as an active player instead of passively as it had before. The past 40 years have been a golden era for China and the world to engage in sound interaction that produced mutually beneficial progress—globalization has transformed a once poor and backward country into an increasingly prosperous and powerful nation benefiting the world. The unprecedented reform and opening-up has generated historic change to relations between contemporary China and the rest of the world. Chinese diplomacy has entered a brand-new historical period.
  Over the last 40 years as China has gradually opened its door to the world, its overall national strength has grown constantly. It has always promoted world peace, contributed to global development and safeguarded the international order. Over the years, Chinese diplomacy has forged ahead, not only creating a favorable external environment for China’s economic and social development and national rejuvenation, but also contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to world peace and development.
  Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics
  Since the beginning of reform and opening-up, Chinese diplomacy has experienced three major phases of development.
  Phase I: 1978-1992 – China identified peace and development as the prevailing trend of the times. At the end of the 1970s, then Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping made a scientific judgment of the international situation and pointed out that peace and development had become the prevailing trend of the times. That declaration proved an important foundation for China to focus on economic development and make a series of adjustments to its foreign policy. Adhering to an independent foreign policy of peace, China began focusing on improving its relations with major powers around the world including the United States, the Soviet Union, Japan and European countries, properly solving outstanding historical issues in the region while developing relations with neighboring countries, and promoting pragmatic cooperation with other developing countries to push for the establishment of a more just, fair and stable international political and economic order.
  Phase II: 1992-2012 – China expanded its external relations on all fronts. During an inspection tour of southern China in 1992, Deng Xiaoping pointed out: “If we do not implement the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, we will find ourselves in a blind alley.” His comments provided powerful momentum for further reform and opening-up. Committed to peaceful development, China made economic development the central task and enhanced its overall national strength and international competitiveness. During this period, China’s external relations were expanded on all fronts, and a framework of stable relations with major countries, strategic partnerships with neighboring countries, solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries and participation in international and multilateral affairs emerged. A global network of partnerships formed, which created an international environment of peace for reform and opening-up as well as domestic economic development. The Chinese economy rose from ninth to second place in the world, and its overall national strength, international competitiveness and influence increased considerably.   Phase III: 2012-present – China has written a new chapter on major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics for the new era. The 18th CPC National Congress marked the dawn of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. President Xi Jinping launched the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, charting the course for Chinese diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, setting the goal of a community of shared future for mankind, advocating a new type of international relations with mutually beneficial cooperation at its core, and calling to uphold the right approach to justice and interests in Chinese diplomacy. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, China has boldly explored innovation in developing global partnerships. Progress has been made on all fronts. Implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative has steadily propelled a new round of high-quality opening-up. Significant innovations have been made in global governance theory and practice. Following the principle of pursuing shared benefits through consultation and collaboration, China is actively committed to building a fairer and more equitable international order.
  Basic Principles of Chinese Diplomacy
  Since the beginning of reform and opening-up, tremendous changes have taken place in China’s internal and external situation. Chinese diplomacy has made great progress yet its basic principles and characteristics remain the same.
  China is committed to an independent foreign policy of peace. It transcends differences in ideology and social systems to promote exchange and cooperation among countries with an open and inclusive attitude, always looking to accommodate others’ interests when pursuing its own. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence championed by the Bandung Conference over 60 years ago has been an important principle widely acclaimed by the international community. China has pursued friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the principles.
  China is committed to the path of peaceful development. The essence of this commitment is that China has developed itself by upholding world peace throughout its development and made positive contributions to the peace and stability of this region and the world. This firm commitment to peaceful development is a strategic choice that China has made in line with the trend of the times and its own fundamental interests, which speaks to the consistency of its domestic and foreign policies.   China is committed to the concept of win-win cooperation. To pursue win-win results, one must reject the zero-sum mentality and accommodate others’ interests and concerns when pursuing one’s own. China has facilitated common development in the region and the world as a whole and accommodated the legitimate concerns of others, especially the concerns of other developing countries, while pursuing its own development. Politically, China has actively expanded and upgraded cooperative partnerships of strategic significance. In economic cooperation, China has put into practice the new development concept featuring equality and mutual benefit. In security cooperation, China has advocated the new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, coordination and sustainability. In cultural exchange, China has suggested that different countries engage in exchange on an equal basis, learn from each other, seek common ground while shelving differences to achieve common progress for human civilization.
  China is committed to multi-faceted diplomacy. China develops its relations with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, without treating some better than others. It has strengthened coordination and cooperation with major countries to expand the convergence of interests and forge a framework that ensures the overall stability of relations between major countries. China has consolidated friendly relations and deepened mutually beneficial cooperation with neighboring countries. It has increased solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries, working with them to uphold their legitimate rights and interests. China has also taken an active part in multilateral affairs, playing a constructive role as a responsible major power.
  China is committed to safeguarding core national interests. China does not covet the rights and interests of other countries, nor does it envy their development. But it will never give up its own legitimate rights and interests, nor will it yield to any outside pressure.
  Presently, the world is undergoing a new round of major development, great change and profound readjustment. China is positioned at a new starting point in history. Chinese diplomacy has entered a new era characterized by historic development and more intimate interaction with the world. China has the confidence and capability to build a moderately prosperous society. It also has the confidence and capability to share the fruits with the world.
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