Granule Size Distribution and Porosity of Granule Packing

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaofeidong
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The granule size distribution and the porosity of the granule packing process were researched. For realizing the optimizing control of the whole sintering production process, researchers must know the factors influencing the granule size distribution and the porosity. Therefore, tests were carried out in the laboratory with regard to the influences of the size and size distribution of raw materials and the total moisture content on the size and size distribution of granule. Moreover, tests for finding out the influences of the moisture content and the granule volume fraction on the porosity were also carried out. The results show that (1) the raw material has little influence on granulation when its size is in the range of 0.51 mm to 1.0 mm; (2) the influence of the material size on granule size plays a dominant role, and in contrast, the moisture content creates a minor effect on granule size; (3) in binary packing system, with the increase in the constituent volume fraction, the porosity initially increases and then decreases, and there is a minimum value on the porosity curve of the binary mixture system; (4) the minimum value of the porosity in binary packing system occurs at different locations for different moisture contents, and this value shifts from right to left on the porosity curve with increasing the moisture content; (5) the addition of small granules to the same size component cannot create a significant influence on the porosity, whereas the addition of large granules to the same system can greatly change the porosity. The granule size distribution and the porosity of the granule packing process were researched. For realizing the optimizing control of the whole sintering production process, researchers must know the factors influencing the granule size distribution and the porosity. Therefore, tests were carried out in the laboratory with regard to the influences of the size and size distribution of raw materials and the total moisture content on the size and size distribution of granule. also, tests for finding out the influences of the moisture content and the granule volume fraction on the porosity were also the results show that (1) the raw material has little influence on granulation when its size is in the range of 0.51 mm to 1.0 mm; (2) the influence of the material size on granule size plays a dominant role, and in contrast, the moisture content creates a minor effect on granule size; (3) in binary packing system, with the increase in the constituent volume fraction, the poro sity initially increases and then decreases, and there is a minimum value on the porosity curve of the binary mixture system; (4) the minimum value of the porosity in binary packing system occurs at different locations for different moisture contents, and this value shifts from right to left on the porosity curve with increasing the moisture content; (5) the addition of small granules to the same size component can not create a significant influence on the porosity, while the addition of large granules to the same system can greatly change the porosity .
真是一个奇怪的国家,说真话竟然会被罚款。你想不想去假话国体验一番呢?不过,你可要记住规则哦!只有在假话国里可以说假话,在现实中,还是要讲真话。  有时候,人只要有点与众不同就会被别人另眼相看。  一个名叫小茉莉的男孩子,本来是个普普通通的孩子,可就是嗓门大得少有。他出生时,正好是半夜,像每个娃娃出世时一样,小茉莉试了试嗓子,谁知全村人都被惊醒了。  小茉莉满了六岁去上学。第一天,老师点到他的名字:
一、作者生平弗兰兹·卡夫卡(Franz Kafka,1883年7月3日—1924年6月3日),20世纪德语小说家。生于捷克(当时属奥匈帝国)一个犹太商人家庭,是家中长子。卡夫卡自幼爱好文学、戏
小学阶段是一个人发展语言的关键时期,培养学生清楚、准确地运用语言,提高学生口头表达的能力,是小学教师不容忽视的教学任务。  由于受教材编排、教学时间等条件的限制,小学阶段每学期进行口语训练的课堂时间远远不够。如何解决这一矛盾呢?其实,丰富多彩的生活为我们提供了训练语言的好材料,就看你是否能把握住机会、利用好机会。所以,充分利用生活中的素材,激发学生说话的兴趣,对学生进行口语训练,对快速提高小学生的
培养小学生的创新意识和创新能力,是素质教育的重要内容之一。扎实的基础知识和创造性思维是学生具有创新能力的先决条件。那么,在小学数学教学中,应如何培养学生的创造性思维呢?   一、激发学生的创新意识   任何创造活动都始于创新意识的萌芽。小学生怀有好奇的心理、自我表现的欲望和自我实现的需要,这些都是极为宝贵的、潜在的创新意识的萌芽,只要启发有方、诱导得法,便可变潜在意识为现实的追求。   1.从好奇