HIF-1α siRNA Leads to Apoptosis of Pancreatic Cancer Cells under Hypoxic Conditions

来源 :Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyuanboliwenya2009
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OBJECTIVE To explore the role of hypoxic inducible factor-1α(HIF-1α) in the proliferation and apoptosis of pancreatic cancercells under hypoxic conditions.METHODS A cassette encoding small interference RNA (siRNA)targeting HIF-1α mediated by recombinant adeno-associated virus(rAAV) was constructed, giving rAAV-siHIF. rAAV-siHIF or rAAV-hrGFP was transfected into exponentially growing MiaPaCa2cells under hypoxic conditions. Then, the expression of HIF-1αmRNA and protein, the proliferation and apoptosis of MiaPaCa2cells were examined, using real-time PCR, Western Blot, MTT andTUNEL, respectively.RESULTS Under hypoxic conditions, rAAV-siHIF inhibited theexpression of HIF-1α mRNA and protein in MiaPaCa2 cells. At thesame time, rAAV-siHIF decreased MiaPaCa2 cell proliferation andinduced apoptosis. However, rAAV-hrGFP had no effect on theexpression of HIF-1α as well as the proliferation and apoptosis ofMiaPaCa2 cells under hypoxic conditions.CONCLUSION Under hypoxic conditions, HIF-1α plays a keyrole in the proliferation of MiaPaCa2 cells, and inhibition of HIF-1α expression can lead to MiaPaCa2 cell apoptosis. OBJECTIVE To explore the role of hypoxic inducible factor-1α(HIF-1α) in the proliferation and apoptosis of pancreatic cancer cells under hypoxic conditions.METHODS A cassette encoding small interference RNA (siRNA)targeting HIF-1α mediated by recombinant adeno-associated virus ( rAAV) was constructed, giving rAAV-siHIF. rAAV-siHIF or rAAV-hrGFP was transfected into exponentially growing MiaPaCa2cells under hypoxic conditions. Then, the expression of HIF-1αmRNA and protein, the proliferation and apoptosis of MiaPaCa2cells were examined, using real- time PCR, Western Blot, MTT andTUNEL, respectively.RESULTS Under hypoxic conditions, rAAV-siHIF inhibited theexpression of HIF-1α mRNA and protein in MiaPaCa2 cells. At thesame time, rAAV-siHIF decreased MiaPaCa2 cell proliferation andinduced apoptosis. However, rAAV- hrGFP had no effect on the expression of HIF-1α as well as the proliferation and apoptosis ofMiaPaCa2 cells under hypoxic conditions.CONCLUSION under hypoxic conditions, HIF-1α Plays a keyrole in the proliferation of MiaPaCa2 cells, and inhibition of HIF-1α expression can lead to MiaPaCa2 cell apoptosis.
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