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下雨了,我来了。为了约定,我不惧风雨兼程——没有什么能比承诺更要遵循,没有什么能比与你的对视和低语更重要。雨又算得了什么?在蒙蒙细雨中,我更知道你独自伫立的孤寂,更知道你在雨如此缠绵的时刻内心的悸动——没有什么能阻挡我靠近你的脚步。相对而立,却相对无语。是因为彼此要说的话语太多了吧,反而凝咽。 It’s raining, I’m coming. For the sake of agreement, I am not afraid of trials and tribulations - there is nothing more to follow than promises, nothing more than your views and whispels. In the drizzle, I know more about the loneliness in which you stand alone, and the inner throbbing moment when you are so touching by the rain - nothing can stop me from moving closer to you. Relatively independent, but relatively silent. It is because there are too many discourses to talk to each other, but instead they boil.
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作为全国著名的特级教师 ,余映潮老师有着多年从事教学研究的丰富经验 ,他的课型设计将新大纲的精神与课堂教学实践有机结合 ,为广大教师提供了可操作的教法设计 As a natio