,Combination of multiple tools for surface manipulation of polar molecules

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szocean
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A scheme of surface manipulation and control of polar molecules is proposed,which combines three tools of electrostatic velocity filtering,bunching,and storing.In the scheme,a slow molecular beam is produced from an effusive beam by surface velocity filtering.Then the velocity spread of the slow molecular beam is compressed by a buncher consisting of a series of electrodes.Following that the molecular beam with a narrow velocity spread is stored in a storage ring.Using ND3 molecule as a tester,the feasibility of our scheme is analyzed theoretically and verified via numerical simulations that cover all three manipulation processes.The results show that cold molecular samples can be prepared from a thermal gas reservoir and stored in the storage ring with more than 10 round trips.Our combined scheme facilitates the production and manipulation of polar molecules,offering new opportunities for basic research and intriguing applications such as quantum information science and cold collisions.
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