
来源 :上海农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scyscy2001
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直播、抛秧和移栽是目前水稻生产上常见的三种栽培方式,而且随着农业科研的深入和劳动力的重组,水稻栽培方式正在迅速地由传统方式向轻型栽培体系过渡。由于不同栽培方式之间稻苗秧龄的大小、扎根的深浅、苗床的质地和水肥管理等的差异,杂草的草相和危害往往是不同的。加之不同栽培方式对除草剂敏感程度的明显差异,使用中稍有不慎就会造成药害的发生,增加农本,浪费财力和物力。针对这种现状,我所杂草研究室从1991年起便对各种栽培方式水稻的杂草防除进行了全面的研究,本着高效、经济、安全、方便的原则,经过反复筛选,复配成功了适用于不同栽培方式水稻的三个除草剂品种,经大面积示范应用,深受农户欢迎,一次 Direct seeding, seedling throwing and transplanting are the three common cultivation methods in rice production at present. With the deepening of agricultural research and the reorganization of labor force, the rice cultivation mode is rapidly transiting from the traditional mode to the light-cultivation system. Due to the differences in the seedling age, the depth of roots, the texture of the seedbed and the management of water and fertilizer between different cultivation methods, the weeds and hazards of weeds are often different. Coupled with the different cultivation methods on the sensitivity of herbicides significant differences in the use of a little careless will result in the occurrence of injury and increase agricultural capital, a waste of financial and material resources. In response to this situation, weed research laboratory in 1991 weeding on a variety of cultivation methods of weed control conducted a comprehensive study of weeds in the efficient, economical, safe and convenient principles, after repeated screening, compounding Successfully applied to different cultivation methods of rice three herbicide varieties, demonstration and application of large areas, welcomed by farmers, once
头孢双硫唑甲氧(cefotetan,商品名Apatef,每瓶含1g 或2g)是第三代先锋霉素,抗菌谱类似于头孢甲氧霉素(cefo-xitin)。在体外显示广谱抗需氧菌和厌氧菌作用,但对大多数假单孢
中国药典1985年版规定,对葡萄糖注射液做5—HMF 限度检查,在284nm 波长处测定吸收度(A),不得超过0.32,保证了葡萄糖注射液质量。笔者从多年的检验结果中发现条件相同下生产
在税制结构中 ,一般商品税以效率原则为基础 ,可称为效率税 ;按能力原则征收用来弥补纯公共产品提供成本的税收 ,如所得税可称为能力税 ;按受益原则征收用来弥补准公共产品成
由宁夏农林科学院植保所研制的全消小麦种衣剂经各地试验、示范,结果表明:此种衣剂对小麦全蚀病的防治效果达到62 .6 % ~86 % ,每1hm2 可增产小麦750kg ,增产幅度14 .8 % ~26 .4 % ,建议加以推广 The whole whe