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5月15—16日,重庆市外国专家局、重庆市农业委员会联合在巫溪县召开国家引智示范推广基地—2014年马铃薯晚疫病预警防控培训会。共有来自全国11个马铃薯主产省(区)外专局、农业技术推广部门、种植大户,及重庆市内15区县相关技术人员等142名代表参加会议。15日,与会人员先后实地观摩了马铃薯晚疫病预警系统田间设置、品种感病性观测苗圃、马铃薯晚疫病防治和马铃薯脱毒中心。16日,在巫溪县城召开了国家引智示范推广基地—2014年马铃薯晚疫病预警防控培 From May 15 to May 16, the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Agriculture jointly held the pilot project of national guidance, guidance and demonstration base in 2014 in Wuxi County - Prevention and Control of Potato Late Blight Disease in 2014. A total of 142 representatives from 11 major potato producing provinces (autonomous regions) outside the country, agricultural extension departments, large planting households and related technicians from 15 districts and counties in Chongqing attended the meeting. On the 15th, participants witnessed field setting of early warning system of potato late blight, variety susceptible observation nursery, prevention and control of potato late blight and potato virus-free center. On the 16th, in Wuxi County held a pilot base to promote national model - 2014 potato late blight prevention and control training
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