
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rockman27
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中国南山开发公司1982年以1亿港元的股本起家,经过短短的13年时间,已建成了年吞吐量达800万吨的深水海港,成为拥有两个股市坚挺的上市公司,38个独、合资企业,形成港航运输、石油基地、临港工业、房地产开发等四大产业体系,总资产77亿元,净资产23亿元,年创利3亿多元,创汇在3000万美元的大型企业集团。 南山开发公司在港口建设方面取得了令人瞩目的成就,积累了成功的经验。 一、按自筹资金建港新模式,最大限度节省投资 由本企业筹资建港,还要负担该地区的公用设施、口岸联检、福利事业等社会性开支,其风险是可想而知的。为了图生存、求发展,企业必须遵循商品经济规律,另辟蹊径,建立自我约束、自我积累、自我发展的机制,千方百计把港口建设“投资大、效益低、回收慢”这个传统的状况,转变到“投资省、效益高、回收快”的轨道上来,坚持以经济效益为中心,集规划、建设、投资、经营为一体,采取基建与经营交叉同步进行,保持滚动式发展。 1.狠抓前期,把握机遇,适时投资。 为了把有限的资金用于能迅速形成生产力的设施,避免过早、过晚、过快投资,在制定分期投资计划时,根据港口生产经营的发展和市场货源调查、预测,以及外资的需求,当港口吞吐量接近饱和(参照国外经验,到设计吞吐能力70%左右时),? China Nanshan Development Company started its business in 1982 with an equity capital of 100 million Hong Kong Dollars. After a short period of 13 years, it has built a deep-water port with an annual throughput of 8 million tons and has become a listed company with two strong stock markets. 38 independent, Joint ventures, the formation of the port transport, oil base, port industry, real estate development and other four major industrial system, with total assets of 7.7 billion yuan, net assets of 2.3 billion yuan, annual profit of more than 300 million yuan, foreign exchange earnings in 30 million US dollars of large enterprises group. Nanshan Development Company has made remarkable achievements in port construction and has accumulated successful experiences. First, according to the new model of self-financing capital construction, to maximize investment savings from the enterprise to build Hong Kong, but also to afford the region's public facilities, port joint inspection, social welfare and other social expenses, the risk can be imagined. In order to pursue the survival and development of the economy, enterprises must abide by the laws of commodity economy and find another way to establish a mechanism of self-discipline, self-accumulation and self-development. They tried every possible means to transform the traditional situation of “porting large investment, low efficiency and slow recovery” Investment in the province, high efficiency, fast recovery "track, adhere to the economic benefits as the center, set planning, construction, investment and management as one, to take the infrastructure and operation of cross-synchronization, to maintain the rolling development. 1. Pay close attention to the early stage, seize the opportunity, timely investment. In order to limit the use of funds to facilities that can rapidly form productive forces and avoid premature, excessive and over-investment, in the formulation of phased investment plans, in accordance with the development of port operations and market supply surveys and forecasts as well as the demand for foreign investment, When the port throughput is close to saturation (referring to foreign experience, to the design throughput capacity of about 70%) ,?
大连港位于辽宁省辽东半岛的南端,是东北三省和内蒙古东部地区的进出口门户,也是联结华北、华中、华东等地区水陆联运的枢纽。 1995年底,大连港有陆域面积8平方公里,水域面