
来源 :中国法律 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PoolD
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法释[2002]5号(2001年12月25日最高人民法院审判委员会第1203次会议通过)为正确审理涉外民商事案件,依法保证中外当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第十九条的规定,现将有关涉外民商事案件诉讼管理的问题规定如下:第一条第一审涉外民商事案件由下列人民法院管辖:(一)国务院批准设立的经济技术开发区人民法院;(二)省会、自治区首府、直辖市所在地的中级人民法院;(三)经济特区、计划单列市中级人民法院;(四)最高人民法院指定的其他中级人民法院;(五)高级人民法院。 Laws and Regulations [2002] No. 5 (Adopted by the 1203rd Trial Committee of the Supreme People’s Court on December 25, 2001) In order to properly handle cases involving foreign-related civil and commercial affairs and legally safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of litigants both in China and abroad, according to the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, Article 19 The relevant provisions on the administration of litigation concerning civil and commercial cases involving foreign people are hereby formulated as follows: Article 1 The cases involving first instance civil and commercial cases involving foreign interests are governed by the following people’s courts: (1) People’s Courts of the Economic and Technological Development Zone approved by the State Council (2) Intermediate People’s Courts where the capital cities, autonomous prefectures and capital cities and municipalities directly under the Central Government are located; (3) Intermediate People’s Courts of special economic zones and cities specifically designated in the state plan; (4) Other intermediate people’s courts designated by the Supreme People’s Court;
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搜索引擎的权利边界如何界定?笔者认为,讨论这一问题,首先要清楚搜索作为一个互联网工具的权利边界,这三个方面的权利边界即技术权利边界、道德权利边界和法律权利边界。    2008年12月22日,北京高院就泛亚公司(又称娱乐基地)起诉百度MP3搜索侵权案做出一审裁定,裁定百度MP3搜索合法,娱乐基地败诉。虽然这起诉讼暂时告一段落,但是由此引发的关于搜索引擎权利边界的限定,却是一个值得探究和思考的命题。
【案情】张方龙与两个朋友“鸡新”、“阿峰”(外号,另案处理)于2009年1月12日来到蒙山县城。经合谋后,三人决定故意用自行车去碰撞机动车辆,以此制造“车祸” [Case] ​​Z