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给你一分钟思考时间:1997年底,如果你入主苹果,面对着公司市场份额连年下滑,战略模糊,赢利下降;产品线过长,并导致了广大忠实用户长久的等待甚至失望;新一代操作系统久久不能确定方向,而最强对手的Windows 95却获得了巨大的市场成功……你会怎样在180天之内扭转乾坤?你觉得不可能?可史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)就在1998年重拾了这个烂摊子,并在当年就实现了赢利。之后,从1998年发布iMac电脑,到2001年开辟“iPod+iTunes”的新模式,再到2007年iPhone的惊艳问世,苹果一次又一次地展现着自己创造奇迹的能力。不少人说,苹果的胜利,是创新设计的胜利,而正是乔布斯本人确立了公司重心在于工业设计的理念,而且很多人认为是他将设计放在了比技术更高的地位上。在IT产品业界越来越重视设计的今天,国内企业能复制苹果“设计为王”的成功模式吗? Give you a minute Thinking time: If you enter Apple in the end of 1997, facing the declining market share of the company year after year, the strategy is vague and the profit declines; the product line is too long and leads to the long-term waiting or disappointment of the loyal customers; The operating system for a long time can not determine the direction of the most opponents of Windows 95 has been a huge market success ... How do you reverse the world within 180 days? Do you think impossible? Steve Jobs Steve Jobs (SteveJobs) In 1998, the mess was restored and profits were realized in the same year. After that, from releasing the iMac in 1998 to launching a new model of “iPod + iTunes” in 2001 and then to the stunning iPhone in 2007, Apple has again and again demonstrated its ability to create miracles. Many people say that Apple’s victory is the victory of innovative design, but it is Jobs himself established the company’s focus is the concept of industrial design, and many people think that he put the design higher than the status of technology. In the IT product industry more and more attention to the design of today, the domestic enterprises can copy Apple “design as the king ” success mode?
反义疑问句,英语叫 tag question,就是在一个陈述句的后面附带一十问句。如果陈述句是肯定的,问句就是否定的;反之,则用肯定问句。例如:1.She said it was half price,didn
While retarding the conventional economy, the on-going financial crisis has breathed fresh air into e-shopping. Since September 2008, China’s largest C2C e-sho