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除少数除草剂能直接应用原药外,大多数除草剂需要加工配制成不同的剂型才能使用。除草剂可加工成可湿性粉剂、乳粉、乳油、胶悬剂、浓水剂、粒剂等剂型,然后再以不同的施药方法用于农田。1.喷雾法.利用喷雾器将药液喷出去的方法称喷雾法。喷雾法按施用液量的多少,可分常规喷雾法、低容量喷雾法、超低容量喷雾法等。生产中多以常规喷雾法为主。除草剂喷雾处理土壤,所需液量常较茎叶处理法大些,一般每亩用水量30~40斤,雾滴直径450微米左右,每平方厘米雾滴数20~50个,雾滴大可防止漂移。土壤墒情好时,用水量可少些,墒情差则液量多些。喷雾法可分土壤处理和茎叶处理。 In addition to a small number of herbicides can be directly applied to the original drug, most herbicides need to be processed into different formulations formulated to use. Herbicides can be processed into wettable powder, milk powder, emulsifiable concentrates, suspensions, concentrates, granules and other dosage forms, and then applied to farmland by different application methods. 1. Spray method. The use of a sprayer to spray the method called spray method. Spray method by the amount of fluid application can be divided into conventional spray method, low volume spray method, ultra low volume spray method. The production of more conventional spray method based. Herbicide spray treatment of soil, the required liquid volume is often larger than the stem and leaf treatment, the general water consumption per acre 30 to 40 pounds, the droplet diameter of about 450 microns, the number of droplets per square centimeter 20 to 50 droplets large Prevent drift. When the soil moisture is good, the amount of water can be less, poor moisture content is more liquid. Spray method can be divided soil treatment and stems and leaves treatment.
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榆兰叶甲啮小蜂(Tetrastichns sp.)属膜翅目(Hymenoptera)、姬小蜂科(Eulophidae),是榆兰叶甲〔Pyrrhalta(Galerucella)aenescens Fairm.〕卵的一种主要寄生蜂。榆兰叶甲广布
丽绿刺蛾[Latoia lepida(Cramer))是柿、菠萝、芒果、椰子、八宝树等数十种农林作物的重要害虫,广泛分布于我国华中、华东、华南等地区。在广州地区,一年发生2~3代,以老熟幼
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