
来源 :预防医学情报杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:supengfei789
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目的以中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所(简称“病毒病所”)为例,回顾分析“十二˙五”期间统招研究生培养现状和问题,为提高研究生培养质量提供参考依据。方法收集十二˙五间病毒病所统招研究生档案资料,使用Microsoft Excel 2007软件对资料汇总分析。结果 “十二˙五”期间招收博、硕研究生共136名,导师队伍高级职称占84.0%,奖助体系逐步健全;中国疾病预防控制中心有较高的教学、科研和实践平台,科研教育与实践教育并重;博士研究生生源中中国疾病预防控制中心的在职职工和硕士研究生比例较高,硕士研究生生源中华北等地省属医学院校比例较高。结论疾控机构研究生培养有着科研和实践相结合的优势,但生源需进一步扩大和优化。今后应进一步提高培养质量,并加强宣传,优化生源结构。 Objective To retrospectively analyze the status quo and problems of postgraduate cultivation during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” by the National Institute for Virus Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (retrospectively) Reference. Methods Twelve ˙ five viral diseases were collected and the data of graduate students were collected. The data were collected and analyzed by Microsoft Excel 2007 software. Results During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, a total of 136 postgraduates from Bo and Shuo Graduate Schools were enrolled. 84.0% of them hold senior professional titles, and the award system has been gradually improved. China CDC has a high platform for teaching, research and practice, and scientific research Both education and practice education are equal; the proportion of on-the-job staff and graduate students in the China CDC’s center for doctoral students is higher, and the proportion of provincial medical schools in postgraduate places such as North China is relatively high. Conclusion There is a combination of scientific research and practice in the cultivation of graduate students in CDC, but students should be further expanded and optimized. In the future, we should further raise the quality of training and strengthen publicity to optimize the structure of students.
最近挪威研制了一种专用于防止和减少海上钻井平台与船舶发生碰撞危险、保护平台本身及其水下属具安全的NOK 12M型海上监护仪。该仪器以雷达监视为基础,联用一台专用电子计
高质量的准备活动可以调动学生参与运动的兴趣,有助于其形成锻炼的习惯,有利于达成学习目标。 High-quality preparation activities can mobilize students’ interest in
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1984年厦工产的ZL40、50装载机上采用的DF32-1型操纵阀的安全调压阀(见图1)由调压螺钉1、调整弹簧3、提动阀5、提动阀座6、弹簧10、滑阀7、锥阀8和阀套9等组成,滑阀7上的中心小孔为阻尼孔。 装配前,应注意检
多丝弹簧是一种用钢丝绳制成的弹簧。这种弹簧的拉伸性能超过常规弹簧 ,用于对持久强度和安全性要求较高的场合。德国R¨Ohrs公司最近加大了研发投资力度 ,研究开发这种特殊弹簧的