Neutropenic enterocolitis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gandianci20
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Neutropenic colitis is a severe condition usually affecting immunocompromised patients. Its exact pathogenesis is not completely understood. The main elements in disease onset appear to be intestinal mucosal injury together with neutropenia and the weakened immune system of the afflicted patients. These initial conditions lead to intestinal edema, engorged vessels, and a disrupted mucosal surface, which becomes more vulnerable to bacterial intramural invasion. Chemotherapeutic agents can cause direct mucosal injury(mucositis) or can predispose to distension and necrosis, thereby altering intestinal motility. This article aims to review current concepts regarding neutropenic colitis’ pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management. Its main pathogenesis is not completely understood. The main elements in disease onset appear to be intestinal mucosal injury together with neutropenia and the weakened immune system of the afflicted patients. These initial conditions lead to intestinal edema, engorged vessels, and a disrupted mucosal surface, which becomes more vulnerable to bacterial intramural invasion. Chemotherapeutic agents can cause direct mucosal injury (mucositis) or can predispose to distension and necrosis, thereby altering intestinal motility. This article aims aims to review current concepts About neutropenic colitis’ pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management.
微凉的秋风轻拂我的脸颊,扬起我的发丝。望着空中纷纷扬扬的落叶,我的心中荡起阵阵涟漪。  你从小就是孩子王,开朗大方,街坊邻里的小朋友都喜欢围着你转。而我却总是安静沉默的。住得近的大人区分我们的方法就是:“那个活蹦乱跳的是六楼乔家小孩,那个总不吱声的是四楼的花花……”  很难想象性格迥异的我们居然成为朋友,而且是如影随形的朋友。我们一同上学,一同放学,一起吃饭,甚至上厕所也要一起去……  记得那次吗
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“女士们先生们注意了,列车即将进站……”车站广播的声音传遍整个月台,我的眼睛忍不住地顺着月台下面的两条列车轨道向远处张望。  刚清晰地看见一条条钢轨,“呼”的一下列车就已近在眼前,我的心“咯噔”一下,像敲小鼓似的怦怦地剧烈跳动着。向我们冲过来的是一列子弹头高速列车,强烈的轰鸣声使我头脑发涨,小心脏都快要跳出来了。时间不长,这辆“子弹头”又迅速启动了,我站在车厢里发呆,头脑里不断闪现着“现代科技竟然