
来源 :大连水产学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anlongdy123
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在垂直荷载和地震荷载共同作用下,进行框架结构设计时,必须求出每根框架梁的两端和跨中某一位置三个截面的弯矩值,用来作为配筋的依据。对于梁两端的弯矩值由分析框架的内力时直接得出,对于跨中弯矩可用数解法或包络图法求出。 本文在数解法的基础上,提出两种用坐标图解法先求出跨中最大弯矩截面的位置,再利用数解式算出最大弯矩值,最后与数解法和包络图法进行比较。 Under the joint action of vertical load and seismic load, when designing the frame structure, the bending moment values ​​of the three sections at each end of the frame beam and at a certain position in the midspan must be obtained and used as the basis for reinforcement. The bending moment values ​​at both ends of the beam are directly derived from the analysis of the internal forces of the frame, and the mid-span bending moment can be obtained by the numerical solution method or the envelope graph method. Based on the numerical solution method, this paper proposes two kinds of methods to calculate the position of the largest moment cross section in the mid-span by using the coordinate graphical method. Then the maximum bending moment value is calculated using the numerical solution formula. Finally, the numerical solution method and the envelope graph method are compared.
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