为了探索水稻、花生复种制的可行性,我们于1984年进行了较大面积的花生翻秋试种示范。试种结果证明,花生翻秋不但能成功,而且能获得较高的产量,较大的经济效益,为我区充分利用秋季光、温资源和挖掘土地潜力,开辟了一条新的生产途径。 试种示范概况 花生翻秋试种示范,选择在永丰县藤田乡杏塘村,利用早稻田,翻秋试种粤油551—116花生。秋花生的生育前期正遇高温干燥,后期温度和雨水调和。整个生育期108天。
In order to explore the feasibility of rice and peanut multiple cropping, we carried out a large area peanut autumn demonstration in 1984. The results of trial planting proved that peanut turning over autumn not only succeeded, but also obtained higher output and greater economic benefits, opening up a new production route for our district to make full use of autumn light and temperature resources and tap the potential of land. Trial demonstration Demonstration of peanut turning the autumn trial, select the village of Fujita, Yongfeng County, Tong Village, the use of Waseda, turning the autumn to test the Guangdong oil 551-116 peanut. Autumn peanut early encounter high temperature drying, the late temperature and rain to reconcile. The whole growth period of 108 days.