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三、足背部 (一)足背部的局部解剖 1.皮肤:足背部皮肤薄,活动性大。 2.皮下组织:疏松,又因位置低,故水肿时表现明显,皮下组织中走行足背静脉及大、小隐静脉的起始部。腓肠神经由外、后、下向远侧分布于足背及小趾外侧缘皮肤,腓浅神经分内外侧支,分布于足背其余大部分皮肤及趾背皮肤。(拇趾和第2趾相对缘除外)腓深神经在足背第1、2跖骨间穿出深筋膜,分布于拇趾与第2趾相对缘皮肤。 Third, the back of the foot (a) Partial anatomy of the back of the foot 1. Skin: Thin skin on the back of the foot, large mobility. 2. Subcutaneous tissue: loose, but also because of low position, so when the edema obvious performance, subcutaneous tissue walk dorsal veins and the beginning of small saphenous vein. The sural nerve is distributed distally and laterally to the outer edge of the dorsalis pedis and the little toe, and the lateral and lateral branches of the peroneal nerve are distributed in most of the skin and toe back of the dorsum of the foot. (Except for the opposite margin of the second toe), the deep peroneal nerve penetrates the deep fascia between the first and second metatarsals of the dorsal foot, and distributes in the skin opposite to the second toe.
Advanced therapeutic endoscopy,in particular endoscopic mucosal resection,endoscopic submucosal dissection,per-oral endoscopic myotomy,submucosal endoscopic tum
房室结折返的电生理机制和形态学基础胡英,蔡 绳(上海医科大学附属中山医院心内科上海200032)早在1943年Barker等[1]就曾提出房室结(AVN)可能是许多阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)折返活动发生的场所。十几年后Moe等
一天,徐悲鸿邀请好朋友齐白石和张大千到自己家吃饭。饭后徐悲鸿提议,请齐白石与张大千共画一幅画,为了推陈出新,规定相互画对方的拿手绝活——张大千画齐白石擅长的虾,而齐白石画张大千擅长的荷花。  年长的齐白石先画了三片荷叶,又画了两朵荷花,生机勃勃,淡雅脱俗,大家都拍手称赞。接着,张大千画上几只小虾,嬉戏在荷叶间,动静相宜,浑然天成。  就在张大千得意的时候,身后的齐白石小声地对他说:“大千弟,虾无论
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Endoscopy is a keystone in the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).It is the fundamental diagnostic tool for IBD,and can help discern be
郝云宏、冯梅、王淑贤三位青年学者所著的《国有资本经营论))(经济科学出版社2000年出版)一书,对国有资本经营问题进行了有益的探索,取得了有益的成果。 该书对国有资本的本