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“周健,敲图章。”大门外传来了邮递员的呼唤声。我急忙拿起图章和身份证冲到门口,邮递员把一封印有交通大学录取通知书的信函慎重地交给我。“热烈祝贺你被录取我校电子信息学院试点班(电脑科学与技术)专业”的字样跃入我的眼帘。终于,我考进了梦寐以求的大学,看着手中的通知书,我不禁回想起了我已走过的中学之路…… 一、千里之行,始于足下 记得六年前我迷上了打字,缠着父母要买打字机。可是我没想到父母经过商量,给我捧回了一台386,这似乎是第—次父母超额满足了我的要求。那时我连DOS命令都不会用,从些开始了我学习电脑的生涯。几个月后恰逢上海市信息学业余学校招生,我通过了考试成为了他们的学员。可以说,从那时起,我才算正式踏上了电脑之路。这首先应该归功于我的父母。当时电脑并未像现在那 “Zhou Jian, knock on the seal.” The door came the voice of the postman’s call. I hurried to pick up the stamp and ID card rushed to the door, the postman to a letter printed with notice of admission Jiao Tong University carefully to me. “Warm congratulations on your admission that I was admitted to the School of Electronics and Information Engineering Pilot Program (Computer Science and Technology)”. Finally, I admitted to the dream of the university, looking at the hands of the notice, I can not help but think back to the road I have gone through the school ... ... A thousand miles trip, beginning with enough to remember that I fell in love Typing six years ago , Pestering their parents to buy typewriters. However, I did not expect my parents to go through the discussion and gave me a 386. This seems to be the first time my parents have surpassed my request. At that time, I did not even use the DOS commands, starting from my career in computer learning. A few months later, coincidentally, Shanghai Informatics amateur school enrollment, I passed the examination became their students. It can be said that since then, I was officially set foot on the computer. This should be attributed first to my parents. At that time the computer is not as it is now
本文用代数方法通过热效应相等证明了正弦式交流电电流与电压的有效值为U=Um/2~(1/2),I=Im/2~(1/2)。 In this paper, we prove that the effective value of the sinusoida
剧情简介秦皇暴政,民怨沸腾。十二岁的虞家小妹,送义兄姬公子去刺杀秦皇。虞妹将祖传的霜雪宝剑赠给义兄,姬公子将一管紫箫留赠小妹。 Synopsis Qinhuang tyranny, resentme
来自Intel的消息 Intel公司于2月13日宣布推出Intel740图形加速芯片。这种芯片为PentiumⅡ处理器平台优化设计,并带有AGP芯片组,Intel740的超级流水线三维架构和二维与图像
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