购票实名制 难解春运忧?

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为期40天的2012年春运于1月8日正式启动。由于今年元旦、春节相隔仅有22天,节前学生流、务工流、探亲流将高度叠加,旅客的出行时间也更为集中。官方预测今年春运客流量将超过31亿人次,加之春运期间,中国西南东部、江南西部和长江下游地区可能出现较强的阶段性低温雨雪冰冻灾害,交通运输系统将面临巨大考验。铁道部副部长胡亚东表示,“今年铁路春运能力安排超过往年,但铁路整体运能仍然满足不了社会需求,以能力定运量的基本格局没有改变。”可以肯定,2012年春运期间,火车票同往年一样,一票难求。这是盛光祖上任铁道部部长以来的第一个春运,也是京沪高铁开通后的第一个春运,更是“7·23”动车事故后的第一个春运。为了有效打击票贩子,铁道部出台政策,规定今年春运全国铁路售票实行“实名制”。从各方面通报的数据和情况来看,实名制加网络购票的新组合收效甚广,尤其是在打击票贩子的不法行为上,起到了积极作用。实名制购票,能够使从非正规途径流出的车票回到正规途径销售,从而在一定程度上保证了乘客购票的公平性。然而,我们也应该明白,实名制购票只是在技术环节上作出的一次调整,不会是解决春运难题的一剂猛药。不过,呼吁了多年的火车票实名制能够施行,也的确让人们看到了铁路系统决心改革的一个信号。 The 40-day Spring Festival 2012 was officially launched on January 8. As New Year’s Day this year, the Spring Festival only 22 days apart, pre-holiday student flow, migrant workers, visiting relatives will be highly superimposed, passenger travel time is more concentrated. Official forecasts this year ’s Spring Festival passenger traffic will exceed 3.1 billion passengers, plus during the Spring Festival, eastern China, southwestern South China and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River may be a strong stage of low temperature rain and snow disaster, the transport system will face a huge test. Hu Yadong, vice minister of the Ministry of Railways, said: “This year’s railway capacity-building than in previous years, but the overall transport capacity of the railway still can not meet the social needs, capacity-capacity basic pattern has not changed.” To be sure, during the spring of 2012, As in previous years, tickets are hard to find. This is the first Spring Festival since Sheng Guangzu took office as Minister of Ministry of Railways and also the first Spring Festival after the Beijing-Shanghai High Speed ​​Rail line was opened. It is also the first Spring Festival after the incident of “7.23” motor-car accident. In order to combat ticket dealers effectively, the Ministry of Railways promulgated the policy of stipulating that the ticket issuance during the Spring Festival this year will be implemented under the “real name system.” Judged from the data and information circulated by various parties, the new combination of real-name registration and online ticketing has achieved remarkable results. In particular, it has played an active role in cracking down on the illegal acts of ticket dealers. Real-name ticketing system, can make the tickets out of the informal channels back to the regular channels of sales, which to some extent to ensure the fairness of passengers ticketing. However, we should also understand that a real-name ticketing ticket is only an adjustment made in the technical field and will not be a strong medicine to solve the difficult problem of the Spring Festival transportation. However, calling for many years of train ticket real name system can be implemented, but also let people see the railway system is determined to reform a signal.
[设计思想] 高中物理总复习阶段一般安排两轮:第一轮要求一章一节全面细致的复习,着重抓好基础,第二轮要求通过重点内容的专题复习,深化知识,综合提高,灵活运用。本教案旨在