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长久以来,数学一直作为一门独立的学科存在,其学习内容和学习形式远离学生的生活实际,和其他学科之间缺乏沟通和理解,学科内部知识之间缺乏联系,这种相互隔离严重影响了学生素质的和谐发展。因此,在新的教学形势下,课程标准对我们的教学提出了“注重整合课程资源,加强课程结构的综合性”的要求。这就要求我们在平时教学中要注重知识间的沟通与联系,将数学学科与其他学科进行有机整合,以拓宽数学的外延,丰富数学的内涵,使数学学科得到更好地发展,从而真正成为人们认识世界、改造世界的有力工具。 For a long time, mathematics has existed as an independent discipline, whose learning content and form of learning are far away from students' actual life. There is a lack of communication and understanding with other disciplines, and lack of connection between the internal knowledge of disciplines. Such mutual isolation severely affects Harmonious development of student quality. Therefore, in the new teaching situation, the curriculum standards put forward our teaching requirement of “focusing on integrating the curriculum resources and strengthening the comprehensiveness of the curriculum structure”. This requires that we should pay attention to the communication and connection between knowledge in the normal teaching, the organic integration of mathematics and other disciplines in order to broaden the extension of mathematics, enriching the connotation of mathematics, mathematics to get a better development, which truly become People know the world, a powerful tool to transform the world.
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雨后池上(宋)刘攽一雨池塘水面平,淡磨明镜照檐楹。东风忽起垂杨舞,更作荷心万点声。 After the rain pool (Song) Liu Xun rain pond water level, light grinding mirror
缸套平顶珩磨是在精加工以后,加入珩磨剂和油,用磨条再进行精加工,将上道工序所留下的毛刺去掉,产生一种细小的网纹,以利贮油和减少初期磨合时间。 平顶珩磨大多是先用金属