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解放四年来,全省小学教师,通过开国文献及历次政治运动和不断的时事政策的学习,及政治常识读本等经常的学习,在提高思想认识与政治觉悟方面,成绩是很大的。在业务学习方面,各地也通过学习小学暂行规程(草案)、教育理论与钻研教材、认真备课、观摩教学等活动,对业务方面也有不同程度的提高。由于本省地区广阔,情况复杂,各地教师水平又极不齐(从小学到大学毕业的程度都有),过去的学习情况不同,以致广大的教师在学习基础、学习要求与学习条件上很不一致。因此,对今后广大教师的在职学习,如要求过高,或强求学习内容与方式上的一致,势将形成某些教师负担过重与学习中的形式主义,这是不尽恰当的。兹根据目前情况与初步研究所得,提出如下意见,以供参考。一、学习内容1.时事政治学习:除经常阅读“新华日报”与“时事手册”外,必要时可请当地党政负责同志做有关时事政策的报告。2.业务学习:除阅读“小学教师”与“江苏教育”外,主要应钻研教材,认真备课,仔细地经常地分析研究课文内容,研究前后课文联系,以及全部教材的系统性,达到熟悉掌握与理解教材,然后将教材内容正确地教给学生。有条件时,可在自我备课基础上,有重点地组织集体 Since the liberation of four years, primary school teachers across the province have made great achievements in raising their ideological awareness and political awareness through the founding documents, previous political movements and continuous current policy studies, and regular learning of political knowledge. In terms of business learning, various localities have also improved their businesses in varying degrees by studying primary school provisional regulations (drafts), educational theories and research materials, preparing lessons carefully, and observing teaching activities. Due to the vastness of the province and its complex situation, the level of teachers in various places is extremely uneven (from the elementary school to the degree of university graduation). The past learning conditions are different, so that the majority of teachers are inconsistent in the basics of learning, learning requirements and learning conditions. Therefore, in the future, the in-service learning of teachers, such as demanding too much, or insisting on the consistency of learning content and methods, is bound to form some form of teacher overburdened and learning, which is not appropriate. Based on the current situation and preliminary research results, hereby put forward the following opinions for reference. First, learning content 1. Current affairs political study: In addition to often reading the “Xinhua Daily” and “current affairs manual”, if necessary, you can ask the local party and government comrades to do the report on current affairs policy. 2. Business Learning: In addition to reading “Primary School Teachers” and “Jiangsu Education”, we should mainly study teaching materials, prepare lessons carefully, analyze and study the contents of the texts carefully and frequently, study before and after the text links, and systematically all the teaching materials to achieve familiarity and mastery. And understand the teaching materials, and then teach the contents of the teaching materials to students correctly. When conditions permit, the group can be organized on a
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