深入推进学习型党组织建设 切实推动检察工作科学发展

来源 :先锋队 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonay123
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把各级党组织建设成为学习型党组织,这是我党在新的历史时期根据新的形势提出的新的要求。在学习型党组织创建过程中,襄垣县人民检察院党组从保持检察工作社会主义性质的高度,从坚持宪法、法律定位的高度,从贯彻新时期检察工作主题的高度,以“建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、作风优良、执法公正”的检察队伍为目标,硬化学习机制,落实五项措施,全面提升学习型党组织建设的成效。一是硬化落实领导责任机制。把推进学习型党组织建设列入重要议事日程,严格落实责任制,对每一项工作任务都结合实际,分解任务、细化标准、限定时间,明确责任 To build party organizations at all levels into learning party organizations is a new requirement our party has put forward under the new situation in the new historical period. In the process of establishing a learning party organization, the party group of the People’s Procuratorate of Xiangyuan County, from the perspective of maintaining the socialism nature of the procuratorial work and from the perspective of upholding the constitutional and legal positions and from the perspective of carrying out the theme of procuratorial work in the new period, “building a political Firm, proficient, good work style and law enforcement fair ”as the goal, to harden the learning mechanism and to implement the five measures to comprehensively enhance the effectiveness of the construction of learning party organizations. One is to harden the implementation of the leadership responsibility mechanism. To promote the construction of learning party organizations included in the agenda, strictly implement the responsibility system, for each task are combined with the actual work, decomposition tasks, refine the standard, limited time, a clear responsibility
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