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体验经济作为一种新的经济形态已深入人类社会生活的各个方面,编辑出版活动作为社会活动的一部分,自然也深受体验经济的影响。本文在“大文化、大媒体、大编辑”思想的指导下,围绕“体验”的内涵(即参与,感受),结合当前内容资源跨媒体(全媒体)出版、数字复合出版的趋势,提出“出版是一种体验”的观点,并以“编辑设计”理念为切入点,阐释体验经济时代“编辑设计”理念的重要性,赋予“编辑设计”理念新的含义,分析“编辑设计”理念指导下编辑活动主客体的关系,探讨“编辑设计”理念在编辑活动(选题设计、内容设计、形式设计、市场营销设计)中的体现,得出“无论阅读方式和载体如何变化,阅读的实质始终不变,为阅读而设计的宗旨始终不变,引导阅读体验的编辑设计理念始终不变”的结论。 As a new economic form, experiential economy has gone deep into all aspects of human social life. Editing and publishing activities, as a part of social activities, are naturally also influenced by the experience economy. Under the guidance of the idea of ​​“big culture, big media and big editor”, this dissertation focuses on the connotation of “experience” (ie participating and feeling), combining with the current content resources of cross media (all media), digital composite publishing Trend of “publication is a kind of experience” and points out the importance of the concept of “edit design” in experiential economy with the concept of “edit design” as the breakthrough point, giving “editorial design” The new meaning of the concept, the relationship between the subject and the object under the guidance of the concept of “edit design”, and the discussion of the concept of “edit design” in the editing activities (topic design, content design, formal design, marketing design) The conclusion is that “the essence of reading remains constant regardless of the way of reading and the carrier, the purpose of reading is always the same, and the concept of editing and editing that guides the reading experience remains the same”.
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