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为贯彻邮政工作的“改革、发展、服务”三大主题,江苏省邮委于8月16日在南京召开了邮委工作会议。 会上,省邮委全体委员结合全国邮政工作会议精神,就邮政工作面向大市场,开拓新领域、发展大邮政,贯彻“改革、发展、服务”三大主题进行了研讨。会上省邮委进行了换届改选产生了江苏省第三届邮政通信委员会。由省管局副局长谭小为同志任主任委员,南京邮政局局长史炳清同志任常务副主任委员以及省管局相关处专业局和地市局的共20位同志组成。挂靠南京邮政局。会上,传达了全国邮委的工作计划,布置安排了下半年省邮委的工作。 In order to implement the three major themes of “postal reform, development and service”, the postal committee of Jiangsu Province held a postal work conference in Nanjing on August 16. At the meeting, all the members of the provincial Party committee and the State Council held a discussion on the three major themes of “reform, development and service” based on the spirit of the National Post Work Conference and on the postal work oriented to the large market, opening up new areas, developing the postal system and implementing the “reform, development and service.” Provincial Post Commission conducted a general election re-election produced in Jiangsu Province, the third postal communications committee. By the Commissar Tan Xiaowei, deputy director of the provincial administration director of the post, Nanjing Post Secretary Comrade Shi Bingqing served as executive vice chairman and director of the Office of the relevant departments and the local bureau of the city a total of 20 comrades. Linked to Nanjing Post Office. At the meeting, the work plan of the National Post was conveyed and the work of the provincial post office was arranged in the second half of the year.
我院从1994年6月~1998年6月用纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)对急性上呼吸道阻塞行紧急气管插管、气管内冲洗、止血共28例,疗效显著,现报告如下。1 资料和方法1.1 一般资料:28例中,男
进行性核上性麻痹(Progressive sup-ranuclear palsy P S P)是一种相当少见的异质性系统变性病。现将我们收治1例报告如下。黄××、女、60岁,1983年11月始有行走徐缓,不自
患者 男性,21岁。主诉自幼行走不稳,言语不清伴进行性头痛,进食呛咳3个月入院。 检查 左眼视力0.4,右眼1.0,眼底视盘水肿,眼球呈水平震颤;左侧Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ、Ⅸ颅神经损害;左
患者 男,18岁。坍塌压伤右胸背致左胸痛、气短20小时入院。查体:体温37.2℃,脉搏130次min,呼吸24次min,血压12075mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)。左胸隆起,下胸叩呈鼓音,呼吸音消失,可闻及肠鸣音。X线
全民所有制企业是国民经济的细胞,它的活力很大程度上依赖于政府与企业联接模式的优化,即国家对企业管理体制的改变和激励机制的改善。 一、转化政府管理职能 在搞活企业的