【摘 要】
【机 构】
Business English teaching in higher vocational colleges emphasizes the independence of learning, diversification of teaching methods and highlighting skills of listening and speaking so that students can effectively communicate verbally and in written information in English in the future work and social interaction. In the process of English teaching, we should pay attention to the formation of individualized learning methods and the development of autonomous learning ability. Real education should cultivate students’ thinking ability, application ability and creativity by teaching past and present cultural and social knowledge so that they can learn independently and develop independently.
(2003年3月25日) 进入新世纪新阶段,宣传思想工作既面临着极好机遇,也会遇到新的考验。圆满完成党交给我们的任务,必须始终做到坚定、清醒、务实、创新。这是多年来宣传
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为促进我国分析技术 ,特别是地球化学分析技术的学术交流 ,增进分析化学家们的互相了解 ,推动分析测试技术的进步 ,中国地质学会拟于 2 0 0 3年 5月在北京召开全国地球化学分