
来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanwan1985
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教材是课程标准的具体体现,是课堂教学的重要载体,是学生学习的重要媒介,有极强的基础性、系统性和权威性,这决定了教师在教学中必须尊重教材、研究教材,不能随意处理教材。著名特级教师于映潮为了吃透教材,每次备课时,查阅资料都在5万字以上,他曾深有感触地说:“这重要,那重要,弄懂教材最重要。”然而,笔者在调研、听课时,经常发现一些教师歪曲了“用教材教,不是教教材”的真正内涵。不认真研读教材,随意处理教材,造成了低效课堂。一、使用教材存在的问题1.对箴言名句视而不见案例一:某教师在教学科教版八年级上册第四课第一框“善交益友” Textbook is a concrete manifestation of the standard curriculum, is an important carrier of classroom teaching, is an important medium for students to learn, there is a strong foundation, systematic and authoritative, which determines that teachers must respect teaching in teaching, research materials, can not Handle teaching materials. Famous teacher Yu Yingchao in order to thoroughly understand the teaching materials, each lesson preparation, access to information in more than 50,000 words, he had a deep feeling: “This is important, it is important to understand the most important textbook. ” However, the author During the research and lectures, teachers often find that some teachers have distorted the true meaning of “teaching materials instead of teaching materials”. Do not seriously study materials, free to deal with teaching materials, resulting in inefficient classroom. First, the use of teaching materials problems 1. Proverbs famous sentence turned a blind eye Case 1: a teacher in teaching science education eighth edition of the fourth class on the first box “good friends”
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At the invitation of the CPAFFC, a 30-member youth delegation of the Secours Populaire Francais (SPF) visited China from August 10 to 18, 2008. Through organizi
重点阐述了新乡客车给水栓集中管理微机监测技术研究和郑北给水井群微机三遥一、二级系统。 This paper focuses on the research of the microcomputer monitoring technol